Paradox Olthoi Refuge

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Revision as of 08:16, 18 February 2013 by acpedia>Arkalor (Update History)
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Dungeon Location
Coordinates: 43.5N 55.2E
Map Files: Wiki Map
Nearest Town: Arwic
Nearest LS: 48.3N 57.4E
Route: Take the Far Claw Villas settlement portal in Arwic at 32.9N 59.4E then run south to 43.5N 55.2E.
Dungeon Restrictions
Level Restrictions: 1+
Portal Restrictions: Cannot Tie
Cannot Recall
Cannot Summon
Quest Flag: None
Related Articles
Introduced In: Corrupted Sovereigns
Updated In: Filling in the Blanks
Related Quests: Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi
Reward NPCs at the bottom of the Refuge burrow.


The entrance to this dungeon is an open landscape olthoi burrow (no portal) located in the middle of the Paradox-touched Valley. Lag can be extreme due to the large number of olthoi in the area.

There is a green olthoi door that currently has no known means of opening (there is a grate behind the door that can be seen from some angles so the door may be nothing more than a tease from the developers).

The reward NPCs from the Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi quest are located in a room off to the side past a rubble strewn passage. Each holds the weapon (and one holds a black shield) of the item they give as a reward.


  • Wiki Map:


Update History

Filling in the Blanks