Small Fledgling Mukkir Nest

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Dungeon Location ACB5
Coordinates: Holtburg - 43.5N 36.1E
Shoushi - 31.3S 74.8E
Yaraq - 20.3S 0.2W
Map Files:
Nearest Town: Holtburg, Shoushi, Yaraq
Route: Short run from town for all three locations.
Dungeon Restrictions
Level Restrictions: None
Portal Restrictions: Cannot Tie
Cannot Recall
Cannot Summon
Quest Flag: None
Related Articles
Introduced In: Shattering the Dark
Related Quests: Small Fledgling Mukkir Kill Task

Map Dereth


Open burrow (no portal).
The three dungeons have different layouts, see below at map section

Royal Guard tells you, "I have been sent by Queen Elysa to seek the aid of those willing to give it. There is a small nest of those vile Mukkir just northeast of here. If you will go thin out their number, say, kill 15 of the Small Mukkir Fledglings, I will reward you for your efforts."
Royal Guard tells you, "Excellent! The Queen will be most pleased. With their numbers thinned, we should be able to keep the local infestation of Mukkir in check for a time. Here, you've earned this reward."
You've earned 10,000 experience.
The Royal Guard grants you the "Small Mukkir Squasher" Title.




  • None



Items and Objects

  • ??


  • None


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