Ursuin Fang
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- Creatures that drop this item.
- Dropped by Dire Ursuin and Blighted Dire Ursuin.
- Does not stack.
- Turn it in to an Ivory Crafter or Leather Crafter for a Fang Mace and 9,000 xp.
- You give Ivory Crafter Ursuin Fang.
- Ivory Crafter tells you, "Well, this tooth is neither that of a gromnie, nor an auroch. I used to avoid trading for these, but I've learned they have offensive properties."
- You've earned 9,000 experience.
- Ivory Crafter gives you Fang Mace.
- Ivory Crafter tells you, "As you can see, this mace will now do some nasty piercing damage."