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Name Spells Quest
A Society Necklace of Focus Focus Other II Exploration Society Letters
Amulet None Jewelers
Amulet of Dark Rage Allows access to Shadow Breach Grael's Claw Quest Retired
An Explorer Necklace of Focus Focus Other III Exploration Society Letters
Bai Den's Necklace None Lou Ka's Stolen Items
Baron's Amulet of Life Giving Life Giver, Armor Other II Baron's Amulet of Life Giving Quest
Bloodletter Charm Necklace Minor Endurance, Warrior's Vitality, Minor Strength Drudge Bloodletter Charm trophy
Cabalist Charm Necklace Minor Focus, Minor Willpower, Wizard's Intellect Cabalist Drudge Charm trophy
Channeled Tanada Medallion Moderate Focus, Moderate Willpower Tanada House of Water Quest
Crest of the Falatacot Lords Endurance Self III, Armor Self III Housing Retired
Darling's Collar Honed Control, Major Quickness, Major Fealty, Hastening, Odif's Blessing Darling's Collar Quest
Daulan Faur Magic Resistance Other V, Minor Focus, Minor Willpower, Moderate Magic Resistance Gaerlan's Citadel
Elysa's Pendant Impregnability Other IV Blackmire Lore
Encrusted Bloodstone Jewel (15+) Essence Spike (+20 Health) The Callous Heart Quest
Encrusted Bloodstone Jewel (30+) Essence Sluice (+25 Health) The Callous Heart Quest
Encrusted Bloodstone Jewel (45+) Essence Glutton (+30 Health) The Callous Heart Quest
Family Necklace None Ries Woron and the Thugs Retired
Glittering Necklace of Acid and Piercing Protection Acid Protection Other V, Invulnerability Other IV, Piercing Protection Other V Olthoi Pincers
Grand Mother's Medallion Endurance Self V, Armor Self V, Coordination Self V Marauder's Lair Quest
Heavy Necklace None Jewelers
Ice Badge Fire Protection Other IV, Armor Other II Snowman Village
Imbued Adjanite Cameo Mana Renewal Other V, Regeneration Other V, Rejuvenation Other V The Moars
Jaleh's Necklace Mother's Blessing Heart of Innocence
Labyrinthine Necklace Mana Renewal Other II, Regeneration Other II, Rejuvenation Other II The Moars
Leerargh's Necklace Regeneration Other II, Armor Other II, Willpower Other II Bleeargh's Gratitude
Mages Loop Mage's Understanding Hidden Entrance
Manuaka's Collar Quickness Other VI, Fealty Other VI Hea Tuperea
Medallion of the Red Bull Armor Self V, Strength Self V, Quickness Self V Red Bull of Sanamar Quest
Messenger's Collar Lesser Flange Aegis, Lesser Lance Aegis, Hematic Verdure, Messenger's Stride Messenger's Collar Quest
Necklace of the Elemental Adepts Aura of Resistance, Minor Acid Ward, Minor Flame Ward, Minor Frost Ward, Minor Storm Ward Necklace of the Elemental Adepts Quest
Necklace of the Golden Flame Aegis of the Golden Flame, Minor Focus, Moderate Coordination Necklace of the Golden Flame
Nuhmudira's Benefaction Nuhmudiras Benefaction, two other spells (see here) Nuhmudira's Boon Quest
Nuhmudira's Bestowment Nuhmudiras Bestowment, two other spells (see here) Nuhmudira's Boon Quest
Nuhmudira's Endowment Nuhmudiras Endowment, two other spells (see here) Nuhmudira's Boon Quest
Peerless Drudge Charm Necklace Minor Coordination, Minor Quickness, Warrior's Vigor Peerless Drudge Charm trophy
Pendant of Carraida Executor's Boon, Battlemage's Boon, Calming Gaze, Bolstered Will, Boon of the Arrow Turner Carraida's Avenger Retired
Periapt of Endless Sight Finesse, Endless Sight, Far Sight, Raptor's Sight Decrepit Tower Quest
Protective Drudge Charm Warrior's Vitality, Warrior's Vigor, Wizard's Intellect, Scarab's Shell, Don't Bite Me, Don't Burn Me, Don't Stab Me Aerbax's Prodigal Drudge
Raeta's Necklace Laying on of Hands (+25 Healing skill), Regeneration Other II, Rejuvenation Other II Raeta's Necklace Quest
Renegade Pendant Allows access to Renegade Garrison Renegade Mace Quest
Reshalra's Collar Strength Other VI, Fealty Other VI Hunt for Hea Tuperea
Sahkurea's Collar Endurance Other VI, Fealty Other VI Hunt for Hea Tuperea
Shadow Stone Necklace Battlemage's Boon, Hydra's Head Dark Towers
Snow Flake Charm Robustify, Icy Blessing Snow Lilies
Sublime Necklace of Acid and Piercing Protection Acid Protection Other VI, Invulnerability Other V, Piercing Protection Other VI Olthoi Pincers
Tanada Gate Medallion Used to enter the Tanada House of Water dungeon. Tanada House of Water Quest
Tears of Jvikti Kheval (100+) Gift of the Fiazhat, Eyes Beyond The Mist Blackmire 4
Tears of Jvikti Kheval (70+) Inferior Gift of the Fiazhat, Inferior Eyes Beyond The Mist Blackmire 4
Tears of Jvikti Kheval (40+) Lesser Gift of the Fiazhat, Lesser Eyes Beyond The Mist Blackmire 4
Utelari's Collar Coordination Other VI, Fealty Other VI Hunt for Hea Tuperea
Vanguard Leader's Amulet Leadership Mastery Other II, Focus Other II, Fealty Other III Tumerok Vanguard Outposts
Virindi Servant's Amulet Minor Mana Conversion Prowess, Item Enchantment Mastery Other VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Other VI, Moderate Item Enchantment Aptitude Virindi Servant's Amulet Quest


Name Spells Quest
A Bracelet of Piercing Protection Invulnerability Other III, Piercing Protection Other IV Olthoi Pincers
A Society Bracelet of Coordination Coordination Other II Exploration Society Letters
A Society Bracelet of Strength Strength Other II Exploration Society Letters
An Explorer Bracelet of Coordination Coordination Other III Exploration Society Letters
An Explorer Bracelet of Strength Strength Other III Exploration Society Letters
Bai Den's Bracelet None Lou Ka's Stolen Items
Bracelet None Jewelers
Bracelet of Carraida Tenaciousness, Temeritous Touch, Might of the 5 Mules, Boon of the Blade Turner Carraida's Avenger Retired
Bracelet of Dark Essence Major Stamina Gain, Major Health Gain, Willpower Self VI Preparation for the Ritus
Bracelet of Knowledge Focus Other V, Arcane Enlightenment Other V, Moderate Arcane Prowess Gaerlan's Citadel
Clasp of the Arm The Art of Destruction (+11% War Magic) Hidden Entrance
Clasp of the Heart The Heart's Touch (+11% Life Magic) Hidden Entrance
Coordination of Marriage Incantation of Coordination Other, Epic Coordination Wedding Preparations Retired
Doll Leader's Charm Focus Self IV, War Magic Mastery Self IV New Singular Repositories Retired
Ebuillant Bracelet Acid Protection Other VI, Magic Resistance Other V, Consumption, Minor Endurance Empyrean Propylaeum
Elysa's Bangle Magic Resistance Other IV Blackmire Lore
Elysa's Wristlet Armor Other IV Blackmire Lore
Endurance of Marriage Incantation of Endurance Other, Epic Endurance Wedding Preparations Retired
Focus of Marriage Incantation of Focus Other, Epic Focus Wedding Preparations Retired
Frigid Bracelet Magic Resistance Other IV, Cold Protection Other V, Minor Coordination, Stasis Empyrean Propylaeum
Galvanic Bracelet Repulsion, Magic Resistance Other V, Minor Quickness, Lightning Protection Other VI Empyrean Propylaeum
Glittering Bracelet of Acid Protection Acid Protection Other IV, Invulnerability Other III Olthoi Pincers
Heavy Bracelet None Jewelers
Incalescent Bracelet Fire Protection Other V, Magic Resistance Other IV, Devourer, Minor Strength Empyrean Propylaeum
Lou Ei's Bracelet None Lou Ei's Stolen Bracelet
Manacle of Biting Pain (100+) Evil Thirst, Web of Resistance, Vision Beyond the Grave Blackmire 4
Manacle of Biting Pain (70+) Minor Evil Thirst, Magic Resistance Self VI, Minor Vision Beyond the Grave Blackmire 4
Manacle of Biting Pain (40+) Lesser Evil Thirst, Magic Resistance Self V, Lesser Vision Beyond the Grave Blackmire 4
Nuhmudira's Bracelet Major Mana Gain, Focus Self VI, Willpower Self VI Preparation for the Ritus Retired
Quickness of Marriage Incantation of Quickness Other, Epic Quickness Wedding Preparations Retired
Rat Tail Bracelet Minor Armor, Armor Self IV, Strength Self IV, Quickness Self VI Rat Catcher
Refulgent Bracelet Ardence, Vim, Volition Refulgent Bracelet Quest
Renegade Stone Clasp Blade Protection Other V, Lightning Protection Other V Renegade Herbal Kits
Self of Marriage Incantation of Willpower Other, Epic Willpower Wedding Preparations Retired
Strength of Marriage Incantation of Strength Other, Epic Strength Wedding Preparations Retired
Sublime Bracelet of Acid Protection Caustic Boon, Invulnerability Other VI Olthoi Pincers
Viamontian Guardian Bracelet Sprint Self I, Armor Self I, Regeneration Self I Sanamar Starter Quests
Wristlet of Carraida Hydra's Head, Boon of Refinement, Ogfoot, Boon of the Mace Turner Carraida's Avenger Retired


Name Spells Quest
A Ring of Acid Protection Invulnerability Other II, Acid Protection Other III Olthoi Pincers
A Society Ring of Endurance Endurance Other II Exploration Society Letters
A Society Ring of Quickness Quickness Other II Exploration Society Letters
An Explorer Ring of Endurance Endurance Other III Exploration Society Letters
An Explorer Ring of Quickness Quickness Other III Exploration Society Letters
Bai Den's Ring None Lou Ka's Stolen Items
Band of Shielding Fire Protection Self VI, Magic Resistance Self VI, Blade Protection Self VI, Moderate Magic Resistance Power Forges
Banderling Bone Ring Focus Other VI, Strength Other VI Banderling Scalper trophy
Blue Empyrean Ring Mana Renewal Other Incantation, Empyrean Mana Absorbtion, Mana Conversion Mastery Incantation, Major Piercing Ward Colosseum
Celcynd's Ring None The Old Warehouse
Circlet of Shielding Magic Resistance Self VI, Blade Protection Self VI, Moderate Magic Resistance Power Forges
Collegium Occultus Ring Aura of Resistance, Mind Blossom, Major Storm Ward Collegium Occultus Ring Quest
Crystal Ring of Protection Acid Protection Other IV Olthoi Shield Quest
Crystal Ring of Quickness Minor Strength, Quickness Other III Olthoi Shield Quest
Dansha-Ki's Ring Magic Resistance Self III, Lightning Protection Self III Dryreach Rescue
Dark Amber Ring Magic Resistance Other VI, Ogfoot, Coordination Other VI Singularity Recall
Dark Ruby Ring Temeritous Touch, Strength Other VI, Impregnability Other VI Singularity Recall
Dark Sapphire Ring Focus Other VI, Bolstered Will, Invulnerability Other VI Singularity Recall
Doll's Eye Endurance of the Abyss (+2 Endurance), Will of the Quiddity (+2 Self) Caul boss trophy
Elysa's Band Invulnerability Other IV Blackmire Lore
Elysa's Boon Mana Renewal Other III, Regeneration Other III, Rejuvenation Other III Blackmire Lore
Elysa's Boon (Level 35+) Mana Renewal Other IV, Regeneration Other IV, Rejuvenation Other IV Blackmire Lore
Elysa's Favor Blue Life Giver, Minor Focus Elysa's Favor Quest
Elysa's Favor Red Life Giver, Minor Strength Elysa's Favor Quest
Elysa's Favor White Life Giver, Minor Armor Elysa's Favor Quest
Elysa's Favor Yellow Life Giver, Minor Endurance Elysa's Favor Quest
Enhanced Blue Empyrean Ring Epic Willpower, Mana Renewal Other Incantation, Empyrean Mana Absorbtion, Mana Conversion Mastery Incantation, Major Piercing Ward Colosseum
Enhanced Green Empyrean Ring Mana Renewal Other Incantation, Regeneration Other Incantation, Rejuvenation Other Incantation, Empyrean Regeneration, Empyrean Rejuvenation, Empyrean Mana Renewal, Epic Bludgeon Ward Colosseum
Enhanced Red Empyrean Ring Epic Endurance, Regeneration Other Incantation, Essence Glutton Colosseum
Enhanced White Empyrean Ring Epic Piercing Ward, Major Bludgeoning Ward, Major Slashing Ward Colosseum
Enhanced Yellow Empyrean Ring Epic Slashing Ward, Rejuvenation Other Incantation, Empyrean Stamina Absorbtion, Aurlanaa's Resolve, Empyrean Enlightenment Colosseum
Geowulf's Wedding Ring None The Temple of Xik Minru
Green Empyrean Ring Empyrean Regeneration, Empyrean Rejuvenation, Empyrean Mana Renewal, Epic Bludgeoning Ward Colosseum
Mummified Piece of Skin Fire Protection Self IV, Magic Resistance Self III, Invulnerability Self III Housing Retired
Obsidian Ring Regeneration Other V Obsidian Enchanter
Red Empyrean Ring Regeneration Other Incantation, Essence Glutton Colosseum
Renegade Insignia Ring Bow Mastery Other VI, Armor Other VI, Creature Enchantment Mastery Other VI Burun Burrow
Renegade Lugian Ring Acid Protection Other V, Piercing Protection Other V Carved Gemstone Lockpick Quest
Ring (Ulgrim's Basement) None Ulgrim's Casting Stein
Ring of Enchantment Power of Enchantment Hidden Entrance Quest
Ring of Enhancement Gift of Enhancement Hidden Entrance Quest
Ring of Intellect Moderate Mana Conversion Prowess, Mana Conversion Mastery Other V, Willpower Other V Gaerlan's Citadel
Ring of Piercing Protection Invulnerability Other II, Piercing Protection Other III Olthoi Pincers
Ring of Shielding Magic Resistance Self V,Blade Protection Self V, Moderate Magic Resistance Power Forges
Ring of the Rossu Morta Aura of Resistance, Moderate Axe Aptitude, Moderate Bow Aptitude, Moderate Crossbow Aptitude, Moderate Dagger Aptitude, Moderate Mace Aptitude, Moderate Spear Aptitude, Moderate Staff Aptitude, Moderate Sword Aptitude, Moderate Thrown Aptitude, Moderate Unarmed Aptitude, Moderate War Magic Aptitude. Rossu Morta Chapterhouse Access
Ring of the Summoning Adepts Used to enter the Summoning Chamber portal. Whispering Blade Chapterhouse Access
Ring of the Watchman Item Enchantment Mastery Other V,Mana Conversion Mastery Other V, Creature Enchantment Mastery Other V Lady Aerfalle Quest
Ring of the Whispering Blade Aura of Resistance,Moderate Axe Aptitude, Moderate Bow Aptitude, Moderate Crossbow Aptitude, Moderate Dagger Aptitude, Moderate Mace Aptitude, Moderate Spear Aptitude, Moderate Staff Aptitude, Moderate Sword Aptitude, Moderate Thrown Aptitude, Moderate Unarmed Aptitude, Moderate War Magic Aptitude. Whispering Blade Chapterhouse Access
Rose Quartz Wedding Ring Combat Medication, Night Runner, Major Healing Prowess, Major Flame Ward The Temple of Xik Minru
Rose of Celdon Combat Medication, Night Runner, Major Healing Prowess, Major Flame Ward The Temple of Xik Minru
Scintillating Crystal Ring Focus Other IV, Blade Protection Other III Olthoi Shield Quest
Serpent Ring Acid Protection Other IV,Armor Other V, Willpower Other V Gold Hill Ruins Quest
Sublime Ring of Piercing Protection Boon of the Arrow Turner, Invulnerability Other VI Olthoi Pincers
Warding Ring Storm's Boon, Minor Storm Ward Fetish of the Dark Idols
Wedding Ring None Wedding Trials
Whispering Venom Crystal Ring Endurance Other III, Coordination Other IV Olthoi Shield Quest
White Empyrean Ring Major Bludgeoning Ward, Major Piercing Ward, Major Slashing Ward Colosseum
Yellow Empyrean Ring Rejuvenation Other Incantation, Empyrean Stamina Absorbtion, Aurlanaa's Resolve,Empyrean Enlightenment, Major Slashing Ward Colosseum

Rare Jewelry

Name Spells Rare Number
Aristocrat's Bracelet Incantation of Person Attunement Self, Incantation of Fealty Self, Epic Leadership, Incantation of Sword Mastery Self, Incantation of Rejuvenation Self, Epic Fealty, Incantation of Leadership Mastery Self 275
Bracelet of Binding ??? ???
File:Bracelet of Pure Thought Icon.png Bracelet of Pure Thought ??? ???
Dreamseer Bangle Major Mana Gain, Battlemage's Blessing, Exhaustion Self IV 234
File:Eternal Harmony Icon.png Eternal Harmony ??? ???
Ibriya's Choice Honed Control, Major Endurance, Major Quickness, Might of the Lugians, Feeblemind Self IV 238
File:Goldensnake Necklace Icon.png Goldensnake Necklace ??? ???
Loop of Opposing Benedictions Icy Blessing, Fiery Blessing, Major Flame Ward, Major Frost Ward 232
Love's Favor Incantation of Person Attunement Self, Epic Piercing Ward, Incantation of Endurance Self, Incantation of Rejuvenation Self, Epic Fealty 233
Love's Favor (Retired) Unflinching Persistence, Perseverance, Kaluhc's Blessing N/A
Necklace of Iniquity Epic Health Gain, Incantation of Endurance Self, Incantation of Regeneration Self, Mana Depletion Self IV 237
Ring of Channeling Epic Mana Conversion Prowess, Mana Conversion Mastery 8, Mana Renewal 8, Fester IV. ???
Swift Strike Ring Major Quickness, Bafflement Self IV, Hastening, Saladur's Blessing 230
File:Unchained Prowess Icon.png Unchained Prowess ??? ???
Weeping Ring Incantation of Healing Mastery Self, Epic Life Magic Aptitude, Incantation of Life Magic Mastery Self 273
Winter's Heart ??? ???


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