Zogblaster Archive/Heritage Groups/Gharu'ndim/Gharu'ndim Factions

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Original Link (now dead) - http://www.zogblaster.com/tweb/asherons-call/heritagegroups/gharu'ndim/gharu'ndim_content_factions.htm

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Gharu'ndim Factions

Here are some of the historic organizations known to have existed in the homelands of the Gharu'ndim. How will these groups - and other groups not written of here - fare in the new land of Dereth? Your actions will doom some to the dull dust of obscurity, and raise others to the fiery glow of fame.

Jaladhaqa Qalathina, the Jaladh

The Warriors' Brotherhood

Motto: "Truth always before the sword."

Background: Called "Jaladh" in all but the most formal cases, this is the Warriors' Brotherhood. All fighting men and women of honor are permitted to join. The Jaladh are disciplined and dedicated to vanquishing evil in all its forms. They sometimes ally with the al-Khuraqa, but have been known to oppose them when the Eagle-Children embark on crusades the Jaladh consider dishonorable. They are sworn enemies of the Zharalim.

Current: Some have lamented the lack of the Jaladh in Dereth. Perhaps some worthy and courageous new arrivals will re-form this much-respected organization.

Khuraqa Tha'ratali, the al-Khuraqa

Children of the Eagle

Motto: "Glory comes from battle alone."

Background: The al-Khuraqa believe Rakhil al-Khur, the warlike Malik who first conquered Gharu'n, to have been the greatest fighter who ever lived, and have taken it upon themselves to do all they can to live up to his example. Formed within the last fifty years as a splinter faction of the much older Jaladh, the al-Khuraqa believe battle to be the greatest of all pursuits. Most of the time, they keep on the path of the Dozen Roads, but the al-Khuraqa are not squeamish about doing deeds the more rigid Jaladh would frown upon. They have little use for the more intellectual factions, and look down on the al-Sadharamad. Though they do not admit it openly, the al-Khuraqa have occasionally worked with the Zharalim in the past.

Current: Dereth's challenges would be met with delight by any al-Khuraqa to arrive in this world. New monsters and lawless humans would be excellent targets.

Ighazaqa Talina, the al-Ighaz

Academy of Sorcery

Motto: "Power shared is thus made greater."

Background: The Academy of Sorcery, or al-Ighaz ("the academy"), is an exclusive sect devoted to furthering the study of the arcane arts. It possesses tremendous power within Gharu'ndim society, but seldom deigns to wield it. All wizards of moderate power are invited to join the al-Ighaz; those who do not are looked upon with disfavor for keeping their secrets to themselves. The al-Ighaz rarely operate in the field in numbers, as do the warrior factions, although many individual members adventure on their own. The al-Ighaz and the Walim sometimes overlap in interests and duties, but the Academy cares little for any of the other factions – least of all the al-Khuraqa.

Current: As of yet, no sign of the Academy's resurrection have been seen. However, there are plenty of opportunities to form a powerful society devoted to Dereth's magic, so perhaps, as knowledge grows….


The Searchers

Motto: "The words of men bear Truth aloft."

Background: The Searchers, or Walim consider themselves distinct from and superior to the rest of Gharu'ndim society. They appeared a few years after the death of the poet Yasif ibn Salayyar, vowing to continue his explorations of the nature of truth. They believe the way to truth comes through conversation. Hence, their main activity is talking … and talking … and talking. Walim will discuss everything, from whether there are more grains of sand in the Naqut desert than there are stars in the sky, to the color of the slippers they're wearing today. There is a saying: "If you want to kill a foe swiftly, send a Zharalim. If you wish him to die slowly and in agony, shut him in a room full of Walim." To keep conversation interesting, many Walim travel and seek out new experiences. In their minds, only the al-Ighaz approach their level, though many wizards are too focused on magic for their tastes. Still, the Walim will allow anyone who enjoys philosophizing into their ranks.

Current: Though no formal return of the Walim has been noted, some newcomers, even those of other Heritage Groups, have been mistaken for members of that august faction.


The Way of Stealth

Motto: "Do no harm, but take what you will."

Background: The al-Sadharamad, or Way of Stealth, is actually a very loose but extensive alliance of individual thieves' factions. Their members seldom follow all of the Dozen Roads, but neither are they thugs. Instead, the al-Sadharamad prefer to steal from the immoral, or to go adventuring for their riches. They are thus surprisingly well-liked by the common people (though not the wealthy classes). They are indifferent to other groups save the Zharalim, who have historically besmirched the honor of thieves. Rather than openly fighting the assassins, however, the al-Sadharamad prefer trickery, exposing their enemies for the killers they are and letting others dirty their hands with the punishment.

Current: There is so much treasure for the taking that, as some people joke, "Everyone here is al-Sadharamad, whether they know it or not."

Shagar Zharala, the Zharalim

The Order of Assassins

Motto: "To fight darkness, first become a shadow."

Background: Founded by Malik Amul ibn Rakhil as a covert weapon to avenge the torture of Yasif ibn Salayyar, the Shagar Zharala, or Zharalim, are the most feared and misunderstood group in Gharu'n. They exist outside the strictures of the Dozen Roads, based on the belief that evil is best fought with evil. They are professional killers, who will use any method at their disposal to see a job done. They kill out of a profound sense of duty, and not out of pleasure. They are, in fact, effectively under a constant contract to hunt down and eliminate those who do commit murder wantonly (as it gives them a bad name). They do not even return other groups' hatred, since they see other Factions as tools for carrying out contracts. As such, they have agents everywhere; there is even a rumour that Malik Sunadin the Unlucky met his untimely end at the hands of his own sister, who was secretly Zharalim. As other tales of the Order, the truth will likely never be known.

Current: Many hope that too few of the Zharalim will ever arrive to form a cohesive, unified force in Dereth, but others are not so sure. Perhaps now is the time for the Zharalim to re-form, as a new shadow against this world's darkness.