Microsoft Zone Archive/Player Chronicles/The Fall of the Holtburg Redoubt

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The Fall of the Holtburg Redoubt

I was resting in Al-Arqas this morn organizing my notes from the recently completed survey and attempting to form some thoughts on how I could write my first survey of one of the Gharu'ndim cities.

While resting I began a conversation with a fair lady who was also relaxing on the sandy hill with me. We talked of many things, and eventually I mentioned what a shame it was that more people did not take some time to stop and learn the history and stories of our world. I related one example to her, the story of the Holtburg Redoubt, a story I now share with you.

The Holtburg Redoubt is now nothing but another of the many small dungeons that lie across Dereth. It is infested with drudges and has little of its former glory. But shortly after my people, the Aluvians, were freed from the slavery of the Olthoi, it was a nearly impregnable fortress. It was the first outpost of Holtburg, having been constructed even before the town was, in the days where Dereth was still overrun by monsters and many of the towns had not yet been founded.

One sad day, the tumeroks arrived and laid siege to the redoubt. The solid doors and iron gates could keep the men, women, and children safe inside, but food and water was slowly used up. And eventually they knew they would have to fight. The tumeroks were preparing for the coming battle. Those trapped in the redoubt knew most of them would perish fighting the tumeroks, but hope was kept that some might be able to flee during the battle and escape to safety. As the battle began, a miraculous thing happened. A magic portal opened where none had been before. The mage Celcynd of Rithwic had mastered one of the portal spells and opened an escape route. The children were led through first while their elder brothers and fathers held the line against the hordes. But something was wrong with the portal. No sooner had Celcynd led the last of the children to safety in Rithwic than the portal collapsed, trapping everyone else in the redoubt. Celecynd tried over and over to open a portal back to the redoubt, but could not.

Several days later, a garrison from Rithwic arrived at the redoubt. What they found surprised no one. Everyone had been slain by the tumeroks. We were orphans, the other children and I. Many blamed Celecynd for his failure to open another portal. But he blamed himself worst of all.

Celecynd gave up magic from that day forward. His business dealings went sour, and he began to drink. Now he spends his days in the Royal Firkin Tavern of Rithwic. But we the orphans of the redoubt remember how he saved us. We remember the brave and determined stare he had. We also remember the loving faces of our families that are gone and know he did everything he could. We have never forgiven him, for there was nothing to forgive. We only hope that someday he can forgive himself.

This is a tragic tale but only one of many. Life in Dereth is hard and the isle hides many secrets for those who wish to look. Next time you begin to think the world is no different from Ispar, stop and look around you. You may find something you never noticed before.

--The Grey Wanderer
