Strongbox Key

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Introduced:  Release Related Quests:  Lubziklan al-Luq's Stolen Goods Updated:  The Calm
Strongbox Key
Value: 0
135 Burden Units

The key to a strongbox owned by Yaraq merchant Lubziklan al-Luq.

Use this item on a locked door or chest to unlock it.

Number of uses remaining: 3

This item cannot be sold.


You give Lubziklan al-Luq Warm Apple Pie.
Lubziklan al-Luq tells you, "Ah, my daughter's pie! She makes the finest in the A'mun Desert. Not that there's much competition out here, mind. But don't tell her I said that."
Lubziklan al-Luq tells you, "Since you have done so well thus far, could I prevail upon you to help me one last time?"
Lubziklan al-Luq gives you Strongbox Key.
Lubziklan al-Luq tells you, "I have just had word that the same Drudges have waylaid a cider caravan of mine, which included a rare bottle of perfectly aged cider. This key will open the chest it was carried in - bring it back to me."

You give Lubziklan al-Luq Perfectly Aged Cider.
Lubziklan al-Luq tells you, "Wonderful! My friend, you have done me a great favor. You may keep everything else you found in the strongbox as payment."
Lubziklan al-Luq gives you Mara's Healing Pie.
Lubziklan al-Luq tells you, "My daughter Mara baked one of her pies for you. Please, take it. I guarantee you will find it quite nourishing."
Lubziklan al-Luq gives you 200 Pyreals.
You've earned 2500 experience.