Related topics: Token of the Accursed, Token of the Pumpkin Lord
Token of the Haunted
Value: 0 30 Burden Units
Bring this token to Varinia in Arwic to receive the title "Haunted"
Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded
This item cannot be sold.
Title tokens on the ground during the live event
- Spawned on the ground during the 2013/10 - Halloween Live event.
- Pick up timer of all the tokens was 1 hour and the timer was shared, so you can only pick up one token
- You have solved this quest too recently!
- You may complete this quest again in 51m 40s.
- You give Varinia Token of the Haunted.
- Varinia tells you, "Tell me, are you afraid of ghosts?"
- You've been granted the title, 'Haunted'!