78.1S, 48.7E - Abandoned Fortress Tower

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Map Dereth Point


Am Empyrean Fortress Tower overlooking the fjord at 78.1S, 48.7E, northeast of Kara.
Someone must have occupied this building until recently, there is a small, non-usable, Shrine and some flowers planted near the bottom of the Tower, and the tower is decorated with a couch and Sho wall paintings.
There is also a mysterious door on the first level of the tower which can't be opened the normal way. There is a pressure plate on the outside of the door that, when stepped on, opens the door, and another pressure plate immediately inside the door that, when stepped on, closes the door. The ledge around the outside of the tower is accessible by first jumping on the nearby trees then jumping on the ledge.
A bit to the south down in the fjord, at 78.7S, 48.7E, a Lifestone can be found.



