Imuth Maer Doquin

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Revision as of 19:50, 6 February 2025 by Extreme Shannon (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported)
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Introduced:  Release Related Quests:  Asheron's Departure Lower, Metos Motes Updated:  Cold Tracks

Map Dereth Point


A series of ancient Empyrean buildings populated by low level mosswarts and drudges located near the town of Yanshi. This was one of the first major points of interest in the game and even appears on the Ingame Map (See Points of Interest Map, no.48). Later on it was updated to include an alternative portal to the Wai Jhou Halls of Metos.


  • From Yanshi, head to the Broadacre Cottages settlement portal at 12.1S, 63.5E. Run to Imuth Maer Doquin (portal behind fake wall) at 11.6S, 57.9E.
  • From Yanshi, head to the Imuth Maer Cottages settlement portal at 15.9S, 60.7E. Run to Imuth Maer Doquin (portal behind fake wall) at 11.6S, 57.9E.




