Male Tusker Tusk

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Introduced:  The Iron Coast Related Quests:  Tusker Tusks
Male Tusker Tusk
Value: 0
100 Burden Units

A tusk plucked from a dead Male Tusker. Brighteyes, the tailor collects these.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded


You give Brighteyes, the Tailor Male Tusker Tusk.
Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "Excellent work. Of course this is one of the lowliest of the tuskers, but you were brave and showed your dedication to my cause."
You've earned 200,000 experience.
Brighteyes, the Tailor gives you Tusker Title Token.
Brighteyes, the Tailor gives you Aphus Lassel Portal Gem.
Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "Take these. If you want I can change your title to be more indicative of your rank within the resistance. All you need do is hand the token back."
Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "The portal gem will get you back here quickly, until you steal the scroll from the clutches of the mighty Bobo."