Hea Arantah

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Related topics: Hea Arantah, The Tah of Ahurenga (Rumors)

Introduced:  Dark Majesty Related Quests:  Hunting Aun Ralirea
Hea Arantah

Non-Player Killer

Strength 400
Endurance 150
Coordination 190
Quickness 220
Focus 600
Self 250
Health 250
Stamina 260
Mana 550

Location: 47.1N 90.3W in Ahurenga


Lore & Dialog

Idle messages

The youthful voice of Hea Arantah mutters, "When, my friends? Soon? ...Very well, I understand." He seems to be talking to the fountain, though his eyes are glazed and glowing faintly.

All at once, the youthful voice of Hea Arantah screams across the square. While the visiting Isparians look at him in confusion, the Hea bury themselves in their work.
Arantah gasps, clutching at his head. His eyes are shut tight, but a painful violet light burns out from behind his eyelids.
"WHAT? What did I do? Yes... I understand. The upland patrols. Reinforced. At once, Collector. Please... my xuta is watching."
The light ceases like a snuffed candle. The Tah of Hea staggers.
"Warriors!" he calls, rather weakly. "I want raiding parties on the plateau at once! Temenua isn't doing his task... our friends are angry!"

Hea Arantah looks around his town brazenly.

Hea Arantah belches softly.

Speaking to Hea Arantah

Young Arantah glowers at you.
Hea Arantah tells you, "What do you want, man-thing? Be quick, and do not lie, for the atual arutoa have given me many eyes to see the truth with. Annoy me at your own risk, for my anger is quick and my power great... As the Aun have learned."

Young Arantah looks annoyed - which seems to be his natural state.
Hea Arantah tells you, "What? Can't you see I'm busy? I have many responsibilities here!"
Hea Arantah tells you, "That Aun hunter, for one. What's his name?"
Arantah belches loudly as Nyrinua calls over, "Ralirea, my Tah."
Hea Arantah tells you, "Ralirea, yes. Don't CORRECT me, Nyri."
Hea Arantah tells you, "Anyway, this old Aun dustongue - Ralirea - poaches the gromnies of my plateau! If someone would kill him, and bring me that figurine he wears within a day as proof..."

When you return after killing Aun Ralirea.

Hea Arantah tells you, "You're [Player Name]! They told me what you did - you killed that poacher Ralirea! Give me his figurine. Quickly, quickly!"

You give Hea Arantah Clay Figurine.
Hea Arantah tells you, "Wow, great! Ha ha! I warned them not to send their hunters on to my plateau!"
Young Arantah clutches his fist around the little figurine, so tightly the veins in his wrist stand in relief. :His eyes flash violet, and after a muffled crunch, clay dust begins to trickle through his fingers. He looks up at you and grins boyishly.
Hea Arantah tells you, "That was a trick my friends taught me, way back when I was driven from Timaru. :I could do the same to your head, you know."
Hea Arantah tells you, "I'm kidding! You've been a friend the Hea, and I reward my friends. Here..."
Arantah places his hand on your forehead and his eyes glow blue-white. You feel... enlightened...
You have gained a skill point!

Handing in the Clay Figurine when you didn't get the kill

Hea Arantah tells you, "Ha! Your keh is all wrong! You were not the one who slew Ralirea this day - someone else did, and gave you his totem. Tell your friend to come and collect my reward himself, I am too important to deal with errand-runners."

If you hand him the Clay Figurine after getting credit before.

You give Hea Arantah Clay Figurine.
A suspicious scowl lumbers across the young Tumerok chieftain's face.
Hea Arantah tells you, "Now wait. My memory isn't what it used to be since the atual arutoa... bettered me, but I do remember your face, [Name]."
Hea Arantah tells you, "Yes... I rewarded you for Ralirea's death before. That means this figurine must be a fake! You dare try to fool the mighty friend of the atual? Go away before I use my Grip on you!"