Hea Toneawa

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Related topics: Hea Toneawa, The Puh Toneawa (Rumors)

Introduced:  Dark Majesty Related Quests:  An Aun Hea Romance Updated:  Pillars Made of Sand
Hea Toneawa

Non-Player Killer

Strength 50
Endurance 60
Coordination 80
Quickness 50
Focus 120
Self 120
Health 110
Stamina 180
Mana 170

Location: 43.7N 66.9W outside of Greenspire.


  • Route:

Lore & Dialog

Hea Toneawa tells you, "Greetings! Could you do me a favor, please? I planned to meet my beloved, Aun Mariona, but I am afraid that my Hea brethren have learned of our romance and are watching over me. Could you take her this note? I dare not go meet her myself, lest they slay us together. You will find her in the redwood groves almost directly north from the city your kind calls Bluespire. I have written the directions to our meeting place on the note."
Hea Toneawa gives you Note from Hea Toneawa to Aun Mariona.

Hea Toneawa tells you, "Please, friend -- take my letter to Aun Mariona, as I have asked."

You give Hea Toneawa Note from Aun Bernawa to Hea Toneawa.
Hea Toneawa tells you, "Alas! That tyrant Bernawa. Not only did he murder my friend Hea Rifona, he is keeping me from my true love! Some day he will live to feel my fury! Oh Mariona, oh Woe! Take this small gift...I will not need them soon."
You've earned 15,000 experience.
Hea Toneawa gives you 3 Health Elixirs.
Hea Toneawa gives you Gifted Healing Kit.

Hea Toneawa tells you, "And now friend, stay with me no longer, for I must be alone."

Hea Toneawa tells you, "Many thanks, my friend, but I couldn't trouble you again with the affairs of my heart so soon. Perhaps tomorrow I will find the courage to contact my beloved again."