Academy Blacksmith

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Introduced:  The First Strike Related Quests:  Training Academy Quest
Academy Blacksmith

Male Gharu'ndim
Exploration Society Agent
Non-Player Killer

Strength 120
Endurance 110
Coordination 85
Quickness 80
Focus 80
Self 70
Health 105
Stamina 160
Mana 80

Location: Training Academy


Lore & Dialog

Academy Blacksmith tells you, "Perhaps you could help me with these thieving Thrungum. They and their noxious kin have stolen my bellows! The last time I saw them, they were running towards the vegetable gardens. Retrieve my bellows for me, and I will reward you!"

You give Academy Blacksmith Bellows.
Academy Blacksmith tells you, "Tell My bellows! Thank you. Take this, with my thanks!"
Academy Blacksmith tells you, "You should visit the Academy Researcher. Purchase the Oil of Rendering from him and use it on your weapon. I guarantee you, that Oil will greatly improve your weapon's effectiveness."
Academy Blacksmith tells you, "Use this key to enter the Academy Library. Double-click the key, then click on the door to open it."
You've earned 3,000 experience.
You are now level 4!
Academy Blacksmith gives you Academy Library Key.