Luciana du Maki

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Introduced:  Ancient Powers Related Quests:  Knight Test
Luciana du Maki

Female Viamontian
Inspector of Knights
Non-Player Killer

Strength 80
Endurance 90
Coordination 70
Quickness 70
Focus 50
Self 60
Health 125
Stamina 200
Mana 100

Location: Inside the Eldrytch Web Stronghold.


Lore & Dialog

Luciana du Maki tells you, "So... you are here for your third trial, adept. Welcome, and heed well what I say."
Luciana du Maki tells you, "By now you should be aware of the existence of the Falatacot, and the two branches from which they spring. One calling themselves Dark, another Light. One dealing in the power of undeath and corruption in service to their Old Ones, and one working to protect what they considered to be worshipful spirits - the Deru Trees. The followers of Adja looked to the Light Falatacot for inspiration."
Luciana du Maki tells you, "There was a hidden place where some of these Light Falatacot congregated once, long ago. They were known as the Hidden Sisterhood, for they hid from the vengeful attacks of their Dark cousins. In their cloister they recorded much of what it was to live in that ancient world. Eventually, they passed on - but their cloister still remains."
Luciana du Maki tells you, "Go there now - bring the secrets of the past to me. I have heard it said that there may be, in specific, a leatherbound journal which reveals many secrets of the past."
Luciana du Maki tells you, "Bring that to me. I can read Falatacot, and can tell you what it says if you show it to me."

Luciana du Maki tells you, "You are supposed to be retrieving something from the Hidden Sisterhood. Have you something for me?"

You give Luciana du Maki Leatherbound Journal.
Luciana du Maki tells you, "You have succeeded. Well done, adept... though soon you shall bear a different title, I think."
Luciana du Maki tells you, "I can tell you what it says, for I have already read it. We return the journal to its location every time an adept brings it to us, as a test of their persistence and skill."
Luciana du Maki tells you, "It details the existence of a place called Degar'Alesh - a powerful place to the Light Falatacot, for it was a secret place untouched by the darkness. Here it was that their most powerful temple had been built, atop a powerful ley line which sustained them and their servants."
Luciana du Maki tells you, "I tell you of this place because, now that it has come to light, many would seek to use it for their own ends. The Blighted One has made its appearance there, and slain the Deru Tree that once protected the island. Now we are able to make our way to that place, but beware - so can our rivals from the other factions."
Luciana du Maki tells you, "Now you know the secret of Degar'Alesh. Now, to continue your service to us, you must go there and fight in the War of the Ancient Powers."
Luciana du Maki tells you, "There is a place called Freebooter Keep. Go there now, fight for our cause... and win. But first, be sure to go to the Promotions Officer. You have proven yourself worthy of the next rank in our order, and you should ensure that you are given your just reward."