Frest Greelving's Haunted Mansion

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Revision as of 19:09, 22 June 2015 by acpedia>Sirpipthegreat (Part 1: Frest Greelving's Haunted Mansion)
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Walk Through ___ Maps ___ Items ___ XP ___ Lore & Dialog ___ Notes
Quest Summary
Quest Type: Solo
Start Location: Lytelthorpe
Timer: 6 days
Level Restrictions: None
Level Suggestions: 30+
Rewards Summary
Full details here
Evil Couch, Silver Atlatl, Tetsubo Slugger, Ornate Nekode
Max XP:
Full details here
Titles: None
Related Articles
Introduced In: Festivus
Updated In: Reforging the Past, Learning From Experience
Related Quests: Facility Hub Quests
Facility Hub Bonus
Item(s): Ornate Nekode
Silver Atlatl
Tetsubo Slugger
Show To: Aun Warden (Haunted Mansion)
Reward: 950,000xp
Level: 30+
Hub reward is once per character, nonrepeatable.
Frest Greelving's Haunted Mansion.

Quest Overview

One of the quests accessed through the Facility Hub, this quest is creepy and there are a lot of weird things to see. Not for the squeamish!

Walk Through

Part 1: Frest Greelving's Haunted Mansion

  1. Quest starts in the Facility Hub in the 30+ Quests section. There is a portal directly to the Haunted Mansion behind the quest NPC.
  2. Speak with Frest Greelving at 6.0N, 43.7E.
  3. Run up the hill to 6.5N, 43.9E and enter Frest Greelving's Mansion.
  4. Locate three of Frest Greelving's Chests to obtain the three items he requests:
  5. While you're in the tower, kill the level 50 Zombie and loot An Old Chronicle from his corpse.
  6. Return the Emerald, Shirt and Platter to Frest Greelving for the rewards. If you are only interested in completing the Hub quest, you may return to the Hub at this point and show the NPC one of the reward items.
  7. If you want to continue the quest, bring An Old Chronicle to Bretself the Translator at 26.0N 47.0E in Cragstone for translation and to obtain a Chronicle of Archeological Site Celadon.
  8. Return to Frest Greelving at 6.0N, 43.7E and hand him the Chronicle of Archeological Site Celadon. He will give you a Portal Chamber Key in return.
  9. Head back to Frest Greelving's Mansion at 6.5N, 43.9E and work your way into the basement, where you'll find a locked door (500 Diff).
  10. Use the Portal Chamber Key on the locked door and then use the Mansion Dungeon Portal to enter Frest Greelving's Dungeon.

Part 2: Frest Greelving's Dungeon

Note: See the map for help navigating this dungeon.

  1. From the drop, head to the Northwest corner of the dungeon, and look for the broken wall opening.
  2. Head North through the opening and work your way through the dungeon until you get to the icy part of the dungeon.
  3. From here, hug the left wall, moving through several big rooms until you get to a wishbone type split.
  4. Take the left hallway and follow it until you get to a large room with a swirling vortex.
  5. Kill the Zombie underneath the vortex and loot the Staff of Nullification from its corpse.
  6. Backtrack to the wishbone split, and now take the other (right) hallway.
  7. Follow the hallway until you come to another large room with a Dark Sarcophagus in it.
  8. Wield the Staff of Nullification and use it to kill the Dark Sarcophagus.
    You feel something without voice scream in your mind in utter rage. It chills you to the bone as it fades away.
  9. Return to Frest Greelving at 6.0N, 43.7E and talk to him to receive 8,000xp and an Evil Couch.


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps DM Updated Other Quests
Frest Greelving's Dungeon -- -- 5651 -- -- --


Quest Items
Journal of Frest Greelving
Frest Greelving's Chest
Antique Platter
An Old Chronicle
Chronicle of Archeological Site Celadon
Frest Greelving's Emerald
Frest Greelving's Puffy Shirt
Portal Chamber Key
Staff of Nullification

Silver Atlatl
Tetsubo Slugger
Ornate Nekode
Evil Couch

Experience Rewards

Task Required Max Experience Percentage & Level Cap
Give Frest Greelving's Emerald to Frest Greelving 143,000xp

Fixed XP

Give Antique Platter to Frest Greelving 143,000xp

Fixed XP

Destroy Dark Sarcophagus and speak to Frest Greelving 143,000xp

Fixed XP

See Level Costs for per level information.

Lore & Dialogue

Frest Greelving tells you, "Traveller, please! I wonder if I may call on you to help me? An unnamed evil permeates my mansion. I cannot go back in there! There are some objects of sentimental value I wish to have retrieved from my house. I will reward you if you do."
Frest Greelving tells you, "I shall give you a copy of my journal in which I have recorded the growing horror within that house. It also lists the items I would appreciate you retrieving for me. Also, if you should discover any clues of what is causing this horror, please bring them to me."
Frest Greelving gives you Journal of Frest Greelving.

You give Frest Greelving Frest Greelving's Puffy Shirt.
Frest Greelving tells you, "Thank you, yes, that is my favorite puffy shirt! Here is your reward."
Frest Greelving tells you, "I've been using this to make stew. I think it's intended for use with thrown weapons, you can have it."
Frest Greelving gives you Silver Atlatl.
Frest Greelving gives you 3,000 Pyreals.

You give Frest Greelving Frest Greelving's Emerald.
Frest Greelving tells you, "Thank you, you retrieved my precious emerald! Here is your reward."
Frest Greelving tells you, "Without my mansion I won't be needing this. I've been using it as a decorative piece."
Frest Greelving gives you Ornate Neckode.
You've earned 3,000 experience.

You give Frest Greelving Antique Platter.
Frest Greelving tells you, "Thank you, that is my antique platter! Here is your reward."
Frest Greelving tells you, "I used this as a child for a game in which you hit spheres back."
Frest Greelving gives you Tetsubo Slugger.
You've earned 4,000 experience.

You give Frest Greelving An Old Chronicle.
Frest Greelving tells you, "Ah, you found something. An ancient document... Perhaps it may explain this haunting."
Frest Greelving tells you, "Hmm, I believe the document is written in Yalaini. If you take it to Bretself the Translator who resides in Cragstone, he should be able to translate it for you. Please bring it back to me when it is translated."
Frest Greelving gives you An Old Chronicle.

You give Frest Greelving Chronicle of Archeological Site Celadon.
Frest Greelving tells you, "The translated version. So, it truly was written in Yalaini!"
Frest Greelving tells you, "Have you read this already? This chronicle of terror chills my soul."
Frest Greelving shudders
Frest Greelving tells you, "Alas, it appears my gripe is with the Arcanum builders who constructed the mansion here. This ground is cursed and perhaps should not be inhabited. Yet, perhaps you may be able to do something to stop the horror that grips this place. I understand now that it comes from beneath the mansion. There is... something... down there. If you can eliminate this terror I would reward you."
Frest Greelving tells you, "I now give you permission to enter my mansion dungeon. Here is the key to the chamber where the portal is, you already know why I secured it. Take good care."
Frest Greelving gives you Chronicle of Archeological Site Celadon.
Frest Greelving gives you Portal Chamber Key.

Frest Greelving tells you, "So, you were able to subdue the entity instigating the horrible occurrences in my house? I am delighted! I expect any spectral beings left haunting the mansion should leave soon and allow me to dwell there in peace."
Frest Greelving tells you, "Alas, I am low on cash at this time but I do have a fine piece of furniture I could give you. It just may remind you that there are are forces in the world, unknown, unknowable, unnameable!"
Frest Greelving gives you Evil Couch.
You've earned 8,000 experience.

Aun Warden tells you, "Spirits have risen from below the mansion of Frest Greelving."
Aun Warden tells you, "These spirts now walk the grounds. Greelving lives outside his own home."
Aun Warden tells you, "Recover the three belongings for which Frest Greelving asks from his mansion and return with the reward you're given."
Aun Warden tells you, "I will make this act worth your while."
