Related topics: Recreation
Walk Through ___ Items ___ Titles ___ Images ___ Lore & Dialog ___ Notes |
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Walk Through
- Obtain a Wood Heart or Golem Jo.
- Head to one of the Tackle Masters (see list below)
- Hand the local Tackle Master your heart or jo to receive a Fishing Pole
- Hand him a Trade Note (10,000) to obtain the right to fish for 24 hours
- Equip the Fishing Pole, and target a Fishing Hole (using the "R" key works fine
- Catch enough fish of a certain type (see list below)
- Hand the fish back to the hole to increase your fishing skill (see below)
- After a certain amount of a certain type of fish (see below), hand one of that type to the Tackle Master to receive the title token.
- As your fishing skill increases, you will be able to catch larger fish.
- You can also fish other items out of the fishing holes including rusted weapons, jewelry and rare items such as a Trunk of Bones.
- Fishes can be given to the Tackle Master for expired potions and sometimes pyreals. The bigger the fish you hand in the better the reward will be.
You need the following skill to catch the different types:
Fishing Skill | Type of Fish | |
0 | ![]() |
Minnow |
0 | ![]() |
Guppy |
50 | ![]() |
Molly |
125 | ![]() |
Fish |
225 | ![]() |
Large Fish |
Raising your Fishing Skill
(Note, the normal, uncoloured Fish as used in cooking does not any points)
Handing the fish you've caught back to the hole will often give you points in your fishing skill, depending on the message you receive upon doing so:
- If the message comes that the fish is stunned, you get no points:
- It seems a bit stunned, but after a few seconds it swims away.
- It seems a bit stunned, but after a few seconds it swims away.
- If the message comes that the fish swims away strongly, you get 1 point:
- The fish splashes happily into the water. It seems shaken, but swims away strongly.
- The fish splashes happily into the water. It seems shaken, but swims away strongly.
- If the message comes that the fish splashes happily (without the swimming), you get 2 points:
- The fish splashes happily into the water.
- The fish splashes happily into the water. It seems fine and swims away quickly.
- The fish splashes happily into the water.
Catching certain fish will also increase your fishing skill:
- Minnow: 0 points per catch
- Guppy: 1 point per catch
- Molly: 1 point per catch
- Fish: 1 point per catch
- Large Fish: 2 points per catch
NOTE: Maxed Fishing skill is 700.
Location of Tacklemasters and Fishing Holes
- Cragstone - Cragstone Falls - 29.0N, 43.9E
- Shoushi waterfront - 32.1S, 74.2E
- Holtburg down by the river - 43.0N, 34.1E
- Yaraq waterfront (the sea) - 22.0S, 2.2W
- Nanto - Blue Ghost Falls - 52.6S, 80.8E
- Rithwic near the bridge - 10.7N, 58.7E
- Xi Ru's Island - Mosswart Fishing Village - 87.3S, 87.4E (no Tackle Master here, pay somewhere else first)
Quest Items
Fishing Sign | Fishing Made Easy | Golem Jo | ||||
Wood Heart | Fishing Pole | Fishing Hole | ||||
Minnow Title Token | Guppy Title Token | Molly Title Token | ||||
Fish Title Token | Large Fish Title Token |
Fish | ||||||||
Minnow | Guppy | Molly | ||||||
Fish | Fish (Fishing) | Large Fish |
Rare Items | ||||||||
Ball of Gunk | Old Boot | Skeleton (Fishing) | Trunk of Bones |
Rusted Items | ||||||||
Rusted Medalion | Rusted Battle Axe | Rusted Dirk | ||||||
Rusted Mace | Rusted Nekode | Rusted Shouken | ||||||
Rusted Tachi | Rusted Trident |
Title Rewards
Task Required | Title Reward |
Catch 400 Minnows | Pond Scum |
| |
Catch 600 Minnows | Skipper |
| |
Catch 100 Guppies | Guppy Master |
| |
Catch 100 Mollies | Lakeman |
| |
Catch 100 Fish | Fisherman |
| |
Catch 300 Large Fish | Pro Fisherman |
| |
See Titles for a list of all available titles. |
Important Note!!!: Once you have caught 400 Minnows, talk to the Tackle Master immediately to receive your title! If you catch 600 Minnows before talking to the Tackle Master to receive your Pond Scum title, you will *ONLY* receive the Skipper title, and will not be able to receive the Pond Scum title!
Fishing at the Waterfall in Nanto
Purchasing a licence at Cragstone Falls
Mosswart Fishing Village
Lore & Dialog
Tackle Master tells you, "You need three things to be a good fisherman."
Tackle Master tells you, "First, you need a fishing pole. I can make one for you, but I'll need a Golem Jo or a Wood Golem Heart to assemble it. I remember my first fishing pole, it was just a stick with some string. I couldn't catch a cold with that thing."
Tackle Master tells you, "Second, you need a fishing license. I sell licenses for a C note, allowing you to fish for a whole day."
Tackle Master tells you, "And last, you need patience. Just enjoy the peace that fishing brings and talk to your fellow fisherman, but don't believe all their fish stories, heh."
Tackle Master tells you, "Here take this fishing guide. It has everything you need to know."
Tackle Master gives you Fishing Made Easy.
Tackle Master tells you, "I license fisherman for a C note. That covers you for an entire day."
Tackle Master tells you, "If you still need help getting ready to fish I sell a good beginner's fishing guide for only a few coins. Just hand me whatever you can and I'll give you a guide."
You give Tackle Master Wood Heart.
Tackle Master tells you, "Your giving your heart to me? Bwahaha, just joking, this should make a nice pole. I'll just carve it and assemble your fishing pole. Wait here a moment."
Tackle Master gives you Fishing Pole.
Tackle Master tells you, "There you go. The string part with the hook goes into the water and you hold onto the stick part. I can't tell you how many beginner fisherman just toss the whole thing into the water. Of course they always claim they lost it to some huge whale or something."
You give Tackle Master Fishing Made Easy.
Tackle Master tells you, "Oh, I guess you don't need this. If you already have your fishing pole, just give me a C note and I'll license you to go fishing for the day. The license covers all fishing holes run by the Department of Fish and Games."
You give Tackle Master Trade Note (10,000).
Tackle Master tells you, "So you want to go fishing, eh? Ok then, lets see here..."
Tackle Master tells you, "You know, I used to fish back in Ispar. One time I had this giant fish on the line and it was a real fighter. Had to lash... oh, right, sorry, you're all set. Remember the license is only good for a day, so catch a big one before then!"
Tackle Master tells you, "Oh, I also supply the local grocers with fresh fish, so I'll buy your catch from you if you like. I pay a lot more than most grocers will, because I know the fish are fresh. Good luck and remember to throw the small ones back."
You give Tackle Master Trade Note (10,000).
Tackle Master tells you, "Welcome back! You'll be wanting a license..."
Tackle Master tells you, "Hmmm, money... put you down on the list... Ok, you're licensed for the day."
Tackle Master tells you, "Don't forget that I'll buy your catch if you're willing to sell. Good luck and remember to throw the small ones back."
Tackle Master tells you, "I see you're already licensed to fish. Make sure you have your rod ready and don't crowd the other fisherman. If you still need to get a fishing pole, I'll give you the instructions for a few pyreal."
You give Tackle Master Pink Minnow.
Tackle Master gives you Expired Health Draught.
You notice what looks like a date scratched out on the side of the bottle.
Tackle Master tells you, "I get these potions wholesale from the healers!"
Tackle Master tells you, "You know, I just have to release these little ones. Why do you bother to keep catching these anyway? Have you heard of a thing called catch and release?"
You give Tackle Master Yellow Minnow.
Tackle Master gives you 10 Pyreals.
Tackle Master tells you, "You know, I just have to release these little ones. Why do you bother to keep catching these anyway? Have you heard of a thing called catch and release?"
You give Tackle Master Orange Molly.
Tackle Master gives you Expired Health Potion.
Tackle Master tells you, "Just hold your nose when you drink that."
Tackle Master tells you, "Thank you, come again."
You give Tackle Master Large Brown Fish.
Tackle Master gives you Expired Health Tincture.
Tackle Master tells you, "What? No, that potion is still good! They get better with age, like wine."
Tackle Master tells you, "Thank you, come again."
You pull a trinket from the water.
Fishing Messages
Humorous messages and musings that are displayed when fishing.
- You hooked something! Unfortunately it appears to be your ear. Ewwww, that's gonna hurt.
- You hooked something! Unfortunately it appears to be a fellow fisherman. Hehe, better run.
- You fail to catch anything. You muse: Wish I could cast Fish Seeker VI on this thing.
- You fail to catch anything. You wonder: Can fish cast magic? Maybe something like Fishing Ineptitude Other or Turn Hook VI.
- You fail to catch anything. You wonder: Do fish lifestone?
- You fail to catch anything. You muse: F is for your fins, I wish I had some too. I is for I'd like to catch a large fish that is blue. S is the standing in the water all time. And H is for the Hagrajag I just made up to fit this rhyme.
- You fail to catch anything. Yarrrr, this be the life.
- You fail to catch anything. A fish swims by your leg giving you the fishy wishies.
- You fail to catch anything. You think: Sure could use a cold one.
- You fail to catch anything. You think: One fish
- You fail to catch anything. You think: Two fish
- You fail to catch anything. You think: Red fish
- You fail to catch anything. You think: Blue fish
- You fail to catch anything. I wonder if Queen Elysa fishes?
- You fail to catch anything. You think: Fish may be the only animal on Dereth that haven't tried to kill me yet.
- You fail to catch anything. You sing: If I had a fish, I'd cook it up for dinner, I'd cook it up for lunch in a sizzlin' frying pan.
- You fail to catch anything. You muse: Fish, fish, fish, all I want is fish.
- You fail to catch anything. There's nothing like the fresh air and fishing though.
- You fail to catch anything. You sing: Fish heads, fish heads...
- You fail to catch anything. You muse: I catch a fish. I cook a fish. I eat a fish. I like it.
- You fail to catch anything. Maybe you need to switch what type of bait you're using.
- You fail to catch anything. You wonder: Why do Town Criers work at night? They must have shifts or something.
- You fail to catch anything. You wonder: What would a virindi altered fish taste like?
- You fail to catch anything. You wonder: Why can't I just zap all the fish with Alset's Coil?
- You fail to catch anything. You wonder: How did he make those boots anyway?
- You fail to catch anything. A fish swims by ignoring your line. You could swear it's almost mocking you.
- You fail to catch anything. Nope, not a thing.
- You fail to catch anything. You muse: We can fish and hunt chickens now. I wonder if we'll ever get to hunt pigs?
- You fail to catch anything. You sing: Fishin' ain't easy.
- You fail to catch anything. You sing: ... I move to where I'd hoped they'd be.
- You fail to catch anything. Where the heck are all the fish?!
- You fail to catch anything. You muse: I fish therefore I am.
- You fail to catch anything. You worry: Did I leave the fireplace lit at home?
- You fail to catch anything. You think: I'm having fish for dinner tonight!
- You fail to catch anything and spill your beer in the process.
- You fail to catch anything. You muse: Maybe I'm left handed...
- You fail to catch anything, but your line gets caught in some water weeds.
- You fail to catch anything, but you think you see some movement in another spot.
- You fail to catch anything. You wonder: If I were a fish where would I be right now?
- You fail to catch anything. You worry: What if we over-fish and wind up without any fish?
- You fail to catch anything. You muse: Les poissons, les poissons...
- You fail to catch anything. You think: Just have to catch one more blue one and then I can decorate my house with fish.
- You fail to catch anything. You muse: Fish, fish, fish, all I want is fish.
- You fail to catch anything, but this is so peaceful.
- You fail to catch anything. You sing: Fishie, Fishie, Fishie Fish, swimming in the fishie sea.
- You fail to catch anything. You sing: Come on and bite on the line fish. Come on and get on my hook fish fish.
- You fail to catch anything. You wonder: What would Bael'Zharon do?
- You thought you felt a nibble... the bait's gone.
- You caught something! Arghh! The line broke!
You give Tackle Master Pink Minnow.
Tackle Master gives you 50 Pyreals.
Tackle Master tells you, "You caught 400 Minnows? That's not very impressive, but I suppose I should give you something. Here take this and try catching some bigger fish. I'll just release the little ones."
Tackle Master gives you Minnow Title Token.
You give Tackle Master Minnow Title Token.
Tackle Master tells you, "Don't know why you want other people knowin' your the master of catchin' small fish, but it's up to you."
You give Tackle Master Orange Minnow.
Tackle Master gives you 50 Pyreals.
Tackle Master gives you Minnow Title Token
Tackle Master tells you, "Hey, you caught 600 Minnows?!!! You just can't catch enough of these little fishies can you? Ok Skipper, I guess you deserve a prize."
You give Tackle Master Minnow Title Token.
The Tackle Master salutes [Player Name].
Tackle Master says, "Great job Skipper!!!"
You give Tackle Master Pink Guppy.
Tackle Master gives you 50 Pyreals.
Tackle Master tells you, "You caught 100 Guppies? Not bad, I bet you have quite a collection... unless you eat them. Yuck, guppy breath!"
Tackle Master gives you Guppy Title Token.
You give Tackle Master Guppy Title Token.
Tackle Master tells you, "You really do have a knack for catchin those little guys."
You give Tackle Master Red Molly.
Tackle Master gives you 150 Pyreals.
Tackle Master tells you, "You caught 100 Mollies? Good job! I like them so much that I made a pond for mine at home. Maybe I'll show you how to make one someday."
Tackle Master gives you Molly Title Token.
You give Tackle Master Molly Title Token.
Tackle Master tells you, "Arrrr, your gettin' ta be a mighty fine fisherman."
You give Tackle Master Brown Fish.
Tackle Master gives you 200 Pyreals.
Tackle Master tells you, "I see you've learned a thing or two about fishing. Your [sic] becoming quite good at this. Not every fisherman catches 100 fish. It takes determination and skill it does. Here, have your reward."
Tackle Master gives you Fish Title Token.
You give Tackle Master Fish Title Token.
Tackle Master tells you, "Congratulations, you now know which end of the fishin' pole to hold."
Tackle Master tells you, "Some day, I may even tell you how I lost my hand here... What's that... well, no, I didn't actually lose my hand, but it was a close one. Just don't trust that you'll always pull a harmless fish out of the water. Yarrr!"
You give Tackle Master Large White Fish.
Tackle Master gives you 500 Pyreals.
Tackle Master tells you, "My oh my! I'm truly impressed. You caught yourself 300 Large Fish. You're really becoming a pro at this. Here's your reward my friend."
Tackle Master gives you Large Fish Title Token.
Tackle Master tells you, "Hey, would you mind showing me your technique someday?"
You give Tackle Master Large Fish Title Token.
The Tackle Master bows to [Player Name].
Tackle Master says, Listen up all you bottom feeders! [Player Name] has earned the title Pro Fisherman! You could learn a thing or two from them, yes sir.
700 Skill
You have become as skilled as you can at this fishing hole.
- During the Pillars Made of Sand event, rusted weapons, fish and jewelry were all reduced in workmanship and value to make fishing macros less useful.