7/4/09 - Thug Attack

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On July 4th, 2009 at around 2AM EST, Thug's and Thug Boss' attacked Baishi. A NPC named Grateful Shopkeeper later appeared after all were killed, rewarding players with a Family Necklace. It's unknown what the Family Necklace purpose is but it is only a necklace worth 200,000 pyreal with no special properties or inscription. You can return the necklace to the shopkeeper but will receive no reward for doing so.

There appears to be no timer on receiving the necklace.




Lore & Dialog

Thug Boss says, "Give us Ries Woron and the bloodshed will end."

Grateful Shopkeeper tells you, "I'm wish I had more to give but I'm just a poor shopkeep, perhaps this old family heirloom will be of some use to you." Grateful Shopkeeper tells you, "It was passed down to me by my mother, it is all I have left of her. I know she would think you a part of the family with what you did for us today."
Grateful Shopkeeper gives you Family Necklace.

You give Grateful Shopkeeper Family Necklace.
Grateful Shopkeeper tells you, "Oh you are truly too kind! Not only brave enough to save our town from those thugs, but selfless as well. You are a rare breed, the world could do with more people like you."

Grateful Shopkeeper tells you, "I'm sorry I am just a poor shopkeeper, I can only afford to reward those kind souls I witnessed fighting evil thugs."