A Carved Mosswart Statue
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- Obtained from the Mosswart Enchantment Idol in the King Toad Idol (Dungeon)
- This device can only be hooked on a mansion.
- If you have not completed any of the six parts of Bleeargh's Gratitude or have already been rewarded the statue will be unresponsive:
- The stone appears to be unresponsive. Perhaps you are not attuned to ebb and flow of item enchantment. You will need mystic knowledge to access the magical teaching within this stone. Being that the statue is of a mosswart, perhaps you will need knowledge passed to you from a mosswart mystic.
- This stone throbs with magical power. To the trained item mage, the magic within the stone appears to be attuned to the School of the Right Hand. Perhaps if one were attuned to Item Magic in some way, they could benefit from using this stone.
- Using the statue after completing a part of Bleeargh's Gratitude will teach you all the spells in Item magic for the level associated with that part of the quest. For example turning in the Necklace of Leerargh to Bleeargh, then using the statue results in all level III Item Magic spells being automatically put into your spellbook (the spell panel will open if you have Item filter checked, it will not if it is unchecked, even though you learned all the spells).
- Special spells:
Lifestone Sending (level III)
- This spell sends you to the Lifestone you have attuned to. Lifestone Recall sends you to the target of your last Lifestone Tie spell.
- This spell can only be learned from the statue after handing the Necklace of Leerargh from Mossy Cave (Yanshi) to Bleeargh. You only need to complete the first 3 parts of the quest before using the statue to get the spell. You may also learn this spell from the Professor of Item Magic in Arwic.