Armor Template
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Related topics: Page Templates, Armor, Shields, Clothing, {{Armor}}, {{Intro}}
This template is used for individual armor pages, including robes, clothing, shields, masks and guises. Delete or leave blank any items that do not apply.
- Items in the Intro (patch, quests, and updated), Special Properties, and Spells should be enclosed in link brackets ( [[ ]] ).
- If the weapon is attuned to a player (only that player can wield), set Player Attuned to True.
- If an item is a Rare, add Rare Number = ?? to the {{Intro}} template.
- When possible add a screen shot of the stats ID panel on the talk page for future reference.
- Add categories for any special properties, the page will automatically be categorized as Armor and armor type (body coverage). A few items span more than one category, add the second category using Armor Type 2 = such as with Long Gauntlets that are both Hand and Upper Body.
- Armor Type values: Clothing, Foot, Guise, Hand, Head, Lower Body, Mask, Robe, Shield, Upper Body.
- For each damage type include the descriptor and the AL in parentheses, for example Slashing = Average (220). For the buffed value simply give the number.
- Special Req can be used to include the full text of unusual reqs, for example a weapon skill req on gauntlets or a base defensive skill req (type out the entire sentence).
Wiki Code
Armor With Spells
{{Intro | Patch Introduced = | Related Quests = | Updated = }} {{Armor | Armor Type = | Armor Type 2 = | Name = | Icon Image = Icon.png | Live Image = Live.jpg | Live Image Caption = | | Value = | Burden = | Description = | Special Properties = | Covers = Head, Chest, Abdomen, Upper Arms, Lower Arms, Hands, Upper Legs, Lower Legs, Feet | Armor Level = | Slashing = | Piercing = | Bludgeoning = | Fire = | Cold = | Acid = | Electric = | | Buffed Armor Level = | Buffed Slashing AL = | Buffed Piercing AL = | Buffed Bludgeon AL = | Buffed Fire AL = | Buffed Cold AL = | Buffed Acid AL = | Buffed Electric AL = | | Player Attuned = | Level Req = | Special Req = | Spells = | Activation Reqs = | Spellcraft = | Mana = | Mana Cost = | Cannot Be Sold = False }} == Notes == * ?? {{Dyed Variations|{{PAGENAME}}}} (Remove Dyed Variations if not dyeable) == Update History == {{Update History| Patch Name * ?? }} [[Category:<Special Property>]]
Armor Without Spells
{{Intro | Patch Introduced = | Related Quests = | Updated = }} {{Armor | Armor Type = | Armor Type 2 = | Name = | Icon Image = Icon.png | Live Image = Live.jpg | Live Image Caption = | | Value = | Burden = | Description = | Special Properties = | Covers = Head, Chest, Abdomen, Upper Arms, Lower Arms, Hands, Upper Legs, Lower Legs, Feet | Armor Level = | Slashing = | Piercing = | Bludgeoning = | Fire = | Cold = | Acid = | Electric = | | Player Attuned = | Level Req = | Player Attuned = | Special Req = | Cannot Be Sold = False }} == Notes == * ?? {{Dyed Variations|{{PAGENAME}}}} (Remove Dyed Variations if not dyeable) == Update History == {{Update History| Patch Name * ?? }} [[Category:<Special Property>]]
See Breastplate of Karlun for an example of armor. See Shield of Perfect Light for the results of the example code below:
{{Intro | Patch Introduced = [[Ancient Enemies]] | Related Quests = [[Asheron's Tower Guardian]] | Updated = }} {{Armor | Armor Type = Shield | Name = Shield of Perfect Light | Icon Image = Shield of Perfect Light Icon.png | Live Image = Shield of Perfect Light Live.jpg | Live Image Caption = Shield of Perfect Light | | Value = 23,000 | Burden = 300 | Description = A shield glowing with a brilliant light. Although the shield looks unsubstantial it strongly resists your efforts to penetrate the magical barrier it contains. | Special Properties = [[Magic Absorbing]] | Covers = | Armor Level = 190 | Slashing = Excellent (342) | Piercing = Average (190) | Bludgeoning = Excellent (342) | Fire = Average (152) | Cold = Unparalleled (380) | Acid = Unparalleled (380) | Electric = Average (152) | | Buffed Armor Level = 430 | Buffed Slashing AL = 774 | Buffed Piercing AL = 430 | Buffed Bludgeon AL = 774 | Buffed Fire AL = 344 | Buffed Cold AL = 860 | Buffed Acid AL = 860 | Buffed Electric AL = 344 | | Player Attuned = | Level Req = 140 | Spells = [[Aura of Deflection]], [[Aura of Defense]], [[Olthoi's Bane]], [[Minor Impenetrability]], [[Gelidite's Bane]], [[Brogard's Defiance]] | Activation Reqs = Melee Defense: 400 | Spellcraft = 400 | Mana = 2000 | Mana Cost = 40 | Cannot Be Sold = False }} == Notes == * May only be obtained once per character. [[Category:Magic Absorbing]]