Aun Tahuirea

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Introduced:  Mired Hearts Related Quests:  Aun Golem Hunters
Aun Tahuirea

Aun Tumerok
Elder Hunter
Non-Player Killer

Strength 300
Endurance 330
Coordination 300
Quickness 330
Focus 324
Self 360
Health 525
Stamina 450
Mana 480

Location: 24.0N, 72.0W - Aun Tahuirea's Camp


Lore & Dialog

Aun Tahuirea tells you, "Greetings. I am Aun Tahuirea. My seven sons have left the land of Palenqual in search of glorious hunts. No doubt trying to impress me. They are each talented hunters in their own right, but none of them are yet ready to hunt what I do."
Aun Tahuirea tells you, "What is it that I hunt, you ask? I keep my harpoon sharp for the rare Crystal Lords. They are a dangerous type of golem for ones such as you, so be sure to bring others of your xuta to aid you in the battle. Should you and your fellows come across and defeat one, please come speak with me. I would enjoy hearing the story of your battles."
Aun Tahuirea tells you, "Also, if you and your fellows succeed in defeating one, I will be pleased to share with you the bounties I have recovered from my previous victories."

You tell Tahuirea the tale of the battle you and your fellows waged against the Crystal Lord and its minions. The Elder Tumerok smiles throughout the entire story. As you finish, Tahuirea unclips a key from his belt and hands it to you.
Aun Tahuirea tells you, "Your tale was truly one of triumph! I only wish I could have been there to see the battle for the tale is one of incredible glory. Use this key to take some of the bounty I have amassed in my hunting of the Crystal Lords."
Aun Tahuirea gives you Tahuirea's Key.