Balor's Over-robe

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Introduced:  Present Dilemma Related Quests:  Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian
Balor's Over-robe
Value: 6,000
500 Burden Units

A lovingly crafted robe. It's [sic] white fur glistens with protective magic.

Armor Level: 180 (530)
Covers Chest

You must be at least level 120 to wield this item.

Casts the following spells: Icy Blessing, Permafrost, Minor Frost Ward

Armor Level: 180 (530)
Slashing: Average (180) (530)
Piercing: Average (180) (530)
Bludgeoning: Average (180) (530)
Fire: Below Average (108) (318)
Cold: Unparalleled (360) (1060)
Acid: Below Average (108) (318)
Electric: Below Average (108) (318)
Nether: Average (180) (530)

Spellcraft: 230
Mana: 1800
Mana Cost: 1 point per 40 seconds.

Balor's Over-robe


  • Can be obtained by handing a Balor's Robe to Yi Yo-Jin in Neydisa Castle. This reduces the full coverage to chest only, which makes it tailorable onto breastplates. Also, the palette changes slightly, from AC-ID 4224 ("BalorWhite", Hex-color F6F6F6) to AC-ID 8243 (Hex Color FFFFFF)
You give Yi Yo-Jin Balor's Robe.
Yo-Jin holds the robe up reverently and looks a bit nervous.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "Good thing I left enough here to make alterations... I'll just be a moment."
Yi Yo-Jin gives you Balor's Over-robe.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "Whew, here you go. It'll fit over other armor pieces now."
Palettes for Balor's Over-robe
ACID Name Description Sample Hex
8243 OverrobeWhite Main FFFFFF
1494 HarvestGreen Trim 426F36
1155 Ashgrey Belt 444444
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.