Bandit Shield (Retired)

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Introduced:  Release Related Quests:  Bandit Shield Quest Updated:  The Hall of the Tusker King
Current Version:  Bandit Shield
Bandit Shield
Value: 320
600 Burden Units

Shield Level: 60

Casts the following spells: Fire Protection Other II

Armor Level: 60
Slashing: Average (60)
Piercing: Average (48)
Bludgeoning: Average (60)
Fire: Below Average (30)
Cold: Below Average (30)
Acid: Poor (18)
Electric: Below Average (36)
Nether: Average (60)

Activation Requirements: Arcane lore: 10, Melee Defense: 105

Spellcraft: 90
Mana: 100
Mana Cost: 1 point per 10 seconds.
