Bane Grievver

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Introduced:  Twilight's Gleaming Related Quests:  Hieromancer's Armor, Sword of Bellenesse Updated:  From Darkness, Light, Balance of Power
Bane Grievver

Grievver Level

Strength 220
Endurance 130
Coordination 170
Quickness 220
Focus 110
Self 160
Health 465
Stamina 380
Mana 360

XP 125,000
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 5
Ancient Empyrean Trinket  Bael'Zharon Stamp  Shendolain Key  Vial of Organic Acid 
Common Attacks Weaknessess
Pierce, Acid Slash, Pierce
Melee A Missile A Magic A Melee D Missile D Magic D


Bane Grievver Spawns
Data courtesy of Mob Tracker. Zoomable color
maps available with downloadable Viewer.