Brass Gromnie Tooth Brush

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Introduced:  From the Darkness Born Related Quests:  Glenden Wood Crafters
Brass Gromnie Tooth Brush
Value: 0
10 Burden Units

A brush made from the tooth of a brass gromnie.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded


  • Does not stack.
  • Hand it to Copper Vanurp in Glenden Wood for 25% of the xp toward your next point of Cooking skill (10 million max).
You give Copper Vanurp Brass Gromnie Tooth Brush.
Copper Vanurp tells you, "The bristles of this brush are beautiful. You have learned much about this art!"
You've earned X experience in your Cooking skill.


  • Tools:
Carving Knife
  • Ingredients:
1 Brass Gromnie Tooth
  • Result:
1 Brass Gromnie Tooth Brush
  • Steps:
  1. Use Carving Knife on Brass Gromnie Tooth to create Brass Gromnie Tooth Brush
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