Brazier of Power

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Introduced:  Mirror, Mirror Related Quests:  Path of the Jojii Adherent
Brazier of Power
Value: 0
500 Burden Units

The heat of the fire bent this brazier into the perfect shape for a shield.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded

Something can be applied to this brazier, but what that item is, is unclear.

This item cannot be sold.


The curvature of the metal basin is perfect for a shield. As you sift the coals and ashes aside you can tell that the heat from the burning embers has created this perfect object.
  1. Use Pure Water on Brazier of Power to create Shield of Power
    • + =
As the water pours over the brazier it hardens into a shield with a symbol of the dragon at its center.
  1. Use Brazier of Power on Crystals of Grace to create Grace and Power
    • + =
You sprinkle the crystals into the basin, preparing them for the perfect stone.