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Related topics: Brigand

Introduced:  Pillars Made of Sand

This text can be purchased from various shopkeepers.

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We've had a lot of problems with brigands lately. Not just us, for that matter. The Tumies are bedeviled by them too. Queen Elysa's Advocates think they're coming from Vesayen. Doesn't it just figure? MacNiall and McNeill cause trouble wherever they go.

-- Lark Grifana

Sold By

NPC Cost Town/Area Coordinates
Barkeeper Benedetta 7 Town Network
Kasin ibn Sayrak the Barkeep 7 Greenspire 43.2N, 66.6W
Lark Grifanna the Barkeep 7 Bluespire 39.2N, 75.0W
Micon Stuvis the Barkeep 7 Redspire 40.7N, 83.0W