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"Under the direction of Saelar and Geraine, a cruel and shocking experiment was undertaken using caged Mattekars. The creatures were put through terrible magics for a purpose not yet understood by the outside world. Many of creatures ended up mangled and destroyed through painful means, after which they were simply tossed to the side and discarded.

The beasts were rebellious and strong willed, occasionally breaking loose and mauling the workers performing the experiments. Over time the experiments were refined and the Mattekars were transformed into a new beast that we now call Gurogs. What was done to the resulatant Gurogs was even more terrible than what had been done to the Mattekars. In order to discover their true strength and resilience, these new beasts were chained in place and attacked with all manner of weapons. Over and over these creatures were stabbed, burned, shocked and finally killed.

Able to use the strongest magics known, Gurogs are fierce and only the strongest of players are able to withstand the withering assault of their freezing attacks." --Journal of a Soldier

Pages in category "Gurog"

The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.