Chainmail Hauberk

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Introduced:  Release
Chainmail Hauberk
Value: 919
1,515 Burden Units

Special Properties: Dyeable

Armor Level: 100
Covers Chest, Abdomen, Upper Arms, Lower Arms

Armor Level: 100
Slashing: Above Average (120)
Piercing: Average (100)
Bludgeoning: Average (80)
Fire: Below Average (60)
Cold: Below Average (60)
Acid: Below Average (50)
Electric: Below Average (40)
Nether: Average (100)


  • Store-bought version of this common item.
  • For Dyed and Loot Variations, see Chainmail Armor

Sold By

NPC Cost Town/Area Coordinates
Blacksmith Magarith 1,563 Fort Teth 1.5N, 72.0W
Cateril Carsmad the Armorer 1,425 Arwic 33.6N, 56.6E
Hea Nyrinua the Armorer 1,425 Ahurenga 47.1N, 90.4W
Krage the Blacksmith 1,425 Linvak Tukal 77.7S, 27.8E
Rushiya bint Anruq 1,425 Accursed Halls 24.0S, 57.9W
Shi Ki-Yong the Armorer 1,425 Bandit Castle 66.5N, 49.8E
Son Jaiken the Armorer 1,425 Sawato 28.7S, 59.5E