Chainmail Shirt

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Introduced:  Release
Chainmail Shirt
Value: 813
1,132 Burden Units

Special Properties: Dyeable

Armor Level: 100
Covers Chest, Abdomen, Upper Arms

Armor Level: 100
Slashing: Above Average (120)
Piercing: Average (100)
Bludgeoning: Average (80)
Fire: Below Average (60)
Cold: Below Average (50)
Acid: Below Average (40)
Electric: Below Average (40)
Nether: Average (100)

Store-bought Chainmail Shirt


Sold By

NPC Cost Town/Area Coordinates
Arina of the Arms 1,098 Underground City
Armorer Padira Yukinara 1,261 Kryst 74.6S, 84.7E
Aun Maanuawa the Armorer 1,261 Timaru 44.2N, 77.9W
Fen Hau-Lai the Armorer 813 Mayoi 61.8S, 82.2E
Greygor Stillwise the Armorer 1,017 Greenspire 43.0N, 66.9W
Hea Nyrinua the Armorer 1,261 Ahurenga 47.1N, 90.4W
Lai Konsho the Armorsmith 1,179 Hebian-To 39.1S, 83.0E
Lobu Shui the Armorer 1,261 Baishi 49.2S, 62.4E
Rayyib al-Afij the Armorer 1,179 Hebian-To 39.3S, 83.5E
Rushiya bint Anruq 1,261 Accursed Halls 24.0S, 57.9W
Shi Ki-Yong the Armorer 1,261 Bandit Castle 66.5N, 49.8E
Son Jaiken the Armorer 1,261 Sawato 28.7S, 59.5E
Sung Wenxio the Armorer 1,464 Ayan Baqur 60.1S, 88.0W
Surnad the Peddler 1,098 Lost Wish Range 41.0N, 56.4E
Ton Ai Yen the Armorer 1,098 Redspire 40.9N, 83.4W