Dragonmoon Commands
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Related topics: Commands, Dragonmoon
Housing commands are used to make your home more accessible or restrictive, more visually appealing, to facilitate returning and for general maintenance of your home.
Note: You may use either a forward slash (/) or an at symbol (@) to begin any command and the shorter prefix /hou instead of /house.
Command(s) | Effect |
/tn | Teleport to Town Network |
/haven | Teleport to Haven |
/hub /sub | Teleport to Subway(Abandond Mine) |
/Fachub | Teleport to Facility Hub |
/recruit <player> | Recruits a player to your fellowship - No distance requirement (do not use < > in the input, just the name) |
/recruitme <player> | Sends a request to the named Player to send you a /recruit to join fellow |
/myshare [<xp> [<lum>]] | Shows your current Fellowship XP and Lum Share Rate |
/lvl or /nextlevel | Shows XP to Next Level (needed over 275) |
/myquests | See your available quests(You can also use Utility Belt to Track) |
- During The Holiday Rush event the Housing guest list was expanded to 128 guests.