Dranith Menacet (391 Creature)

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Related topics: Dranith Menacet

Introduced:  Repercussions Related Quests:  2001/11 - Dranith Menacet (Live Event)
Dranith Menacet

Hollow Minion Level

Strength ??
Endurance ??
Coordination ??
Quickness ??
Focus ??
Self ??
Health ??
Stamina ??
Mana ??

XP ??
Luminance 0
Loot Tier ??
Common Attacks Weaknessess
Bludgeon (Hollow) Cold
Melee A Missile A Magic A Melee D Missile D Magic D


[Player's name] has slain Dranith Menacet. As the Hollow Minion bleeds its last bit of life onto the ground, it calls to its farther in a child-like voice. "Father, I have failed you. They will find the way to your home." In Rithwic, a new portal appears.
Dranith Menacet says, "Father...Father... My body crumbles to dust, am I forgotten. I am dead. I am sorry father I have failed you and will rise no longer."