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Character Summary
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Important Dates:

860 RC - Executed by order of Alfrega

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Aluvian Farmer, his execution and that of his three children was ordered by Alfrega. Dunol was indeed executed, but the children were saved by Harlune.[1]

He had been accused of giving shelter to an Ort pursued by Alfrega's troops. Popular tales, however, insist that the real crime of Dunol was defending his fair daughter, whom the Souia-Vey mercenary patrol appreciated too much. When the guards came down to the dungeon on the morning of the planned execution, only the man himself could be found. When questioned, Dunol is said to have cackled and replied that his children - including the offended daughter - had been spirited away by a shadow. The courtyard throng, told to expect four examples of what awaited those who gave succor to the Orts, murmured when they were given but one. Dunol was broken on the rack and disemboweled.[1]

This was the start of the open rebellion of the Orts against her rule.[1]

Just after the execution, Harlune slipped a small rose-colored ring from Dunol's finger. With the aid of the mage Urbex the Venerable, this ring was imbued with spells deemed of use for the Aluvian resistance members, and so the Rose of Celdon was created.[1]

Related Pages


Rose Quartz Wedding Ring
Rose of Celdon

