Enameled Falatacot Medallion

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Introduced:  Bridging the Vast Divide Related Quests:  Falatacot Medallion Updated:  Learning From Experience
Enameled Falatacot Medallion
Value: 0
25 Burden Units

A Falatacot Medallion, taken from the corpse of the Falatacot Abbess Tir'Livik

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded

Gruuk'lar, the Ruuk Village Guardian, might be interested in this.

This item cannot be sold.


  • Does not stack.
  • Give to Gruuk'lar for 85% of level up to 25,500,000 xp and the title Ruuk Ally.
  • In the Learning From Experience event the experience reward was increased from 4,000,000 xp to 85% of level maxing at 25,500,000 xp (level 80).