Exarch Plate Coat

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Introduced:  Lonely in the World Related Quests:  Hieromancer's Armor Updated:  Master of Design
Exarch Plate Coat
Value: 8,000
100 Burden Units

A heavily enchanted crystalline coat, of the type once worn into battle by the Exarchs of the Yalaini Order of Hieromancers. The seal of the Yalaini Seaborne Empires is embossed on its chest.

Armor Level: 0 - (170) - (390)
Covers Chest, Upper Arms, Lower Arms

This item can only be activated by <Character>.

Casts the following spells: Vision of Annihilation, Leadership Mastery Other V, Mana Conversion Mastery Other VI, Hieromancer's Ward, Greater Decay Durance, Greater Consumption Durance, Greater Stasis Durance, Greater Stimulation Durance, Lesser Piercing Durance, Lesser Slashing Durance, Lesser Bludgeoning Durance

Armor Level: 0 - (170) - (390)
Slashing: No (0) - (43) - (761)
Piercing: No (0) - (43) - (761)
Bludgeoning: No (0) - (43) - (761)
Fire: No (0) - (170) - (780)
Cold: No (0) - (170) - (780)
Acid: No (0) - (170) - (780)
Electric: No (0) - (170) - (780)
Nether: Average (0 - (170) -) (390)

Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 50

Spellcraft: 270
Mana: 2000
Mana Cost: 1 point per 8 seconds.


  • The spells on this armor may only be activated by the character who crafted it.
  • Maybe upgraded into the Auroric Exarch Coat via the Halls of Knorr quest.
  • As of the Master of Design event, this coat no longer covers the Hands or Abdomen.
  • comes in 3 colors:
Exarch Plate Coat Colors


Sea Grey

Sea Blue
Palettes for Exarch Plate Coat
ACID Name Sample Hex Sample Hex Sample Hex Sample Hex Sample Hex Sample Hex Sample Hex
4266 KindledSilver 6B6B6B 484848 636363 4A4A4A 676767 52639F 5F5F5F
4267 KindledSeaGrey 556482 484848 526475 4A4A4A 676767 52639F 4D5F72
4268 KindledSeaBlue 2775B5 1D4273 1670B7 394A5D 3B6094 52639F 0852BA
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.