Exquisite Lense

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Introduced:  Gears of Change
Exquisite Lense
Value: 500
200 Burden Units

A lense used in the assessment of creatures. Use of this lense will make creatures more vulnerable to physical attacks.

Bonus to Melee Defense: +12.5%

Your base Assess Creature must be at least 100 to wield this item.

Casts the following spells: Expose Weakness IV

Spellcraft: 220
Mana: 6000
Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.

Exquisite Lense



  • Tools:
Smelting Pot, Handle Mold
  • Ingredients:
(1) Unfinished Lense, (1) Abrasive Polish, (1) Lense Frame, (1) Silver Scarab
  • Result:
(1) Exquisite Lense
  • Steps:
  1. Use Smelting Pot on Silver Scarab to create Smelting Pot of Silver
    • + =
  2. Use Smelting Pot of Silver on Handle Mold to create Silver Handle
    • + =
  3. Use Abrasive Polish on Unfinished Lense to create Finished Lense
    • + =
  4. Use Lense Frame on Finished Lense to create Framed Lense
    • + =
  5. Use Framed Lense on Silver Handle to create Exquisite Lense
    • + =
You smelt the Silver Scarab in the Smelting Pot.
You pour the Silver into the Handle Mold.
You use the abrasive to polish the Lense.
You set the Lense in the Frame.
You place the framed lense on the handle completing the examining device.
You cast Expose Weakness IV on Oak Target Drudge