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Introduced:  From Darkness, Light Related Quests:  Nalicana's Test

Arcanum Knowledge Seeker
Non-Player Killer

Strength 51
Endurance 33
Coordination 52
Quickness 41
Focus 37
Self 48
Health 17
Stamina 33
Mana 48

Location: 41.9S 15.9E in Xarabydun


Lore & Dialog

Fayza tells you, "I have been hearing rumors that a strange new creature has been spotted up in the icy north. Rumors have that it walks on two legs but has hair like an animal."
Fayza tells you, "Perhaps you could investigate for me and bring me back some information about where these creatures may have come from? I would be most appreciative if you would." Fayza tells you, "I would look around 7.1W 84.9N, as that is where I have heard of sightings."
Fayza tells you, "Best of luck, and be careful."

Fayza tells you, "Have you found anything out about those strange new creatures known as Gurogs? If you have, I would be most interested to learn what you have found."

You allow Fayza to examine your Torn Note.
Fayza tells you, "Ahh now this is fascinating stuff, terrifying, but fascinating none the less."
Fayza tells you, "We at the Arcanum will have to figure out what all this means, and what Geraine is planning."
You hand over all of your Journal of a Soldiers.
You hand over all of your Torn Notes.
Fayza tells you, "Thank you for bringing this to me."
Fayza gives you Mana Forge Key.
You've earned 158,999,991 experience. (Lvl 275; 6% Trinket)
You've earned 10,599 Luminance. (Lvl 275; 6% Trinket)

Fayza tells you, "I am still working with the information you brought me to try and figure out some more on those Gurogs"
You must wait 13d 0h 0m 0s to be complete this quest again.