Frozen Glacial Golem

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Introduced:  Winter's Knight Related Quests:  Gear Crossbow Quest
Frozen Glacial Golem

Golem Level

Strength 480
Endurance 700
Coordination 480
Quickness 480
Focus 380
Self 480
Health 100350
Stamina 5000
Mana 4980

XP ??
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 6
Pyreal Mote 
Common Attacks Weaknessess
?? ??
Melee A Missile A Magic A Melee D Missile D Magic D


  • Found at the bottom of the Frozen Cave.
  • Dies of unknown causes when Gear Knights are killed.
  • It is possible to jump behind this creature to snipe at spawned Gear Knights from outside melee range.

The sound of cracking ice fills the air. The large ice golem is moving.
The path to the frozen Gearknight is now clear. This golem seems to have been protecting the Gearknight.
Its duty apparently complete the golem fractures into shards of ice.