Glittering Crystalline Key

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Introduced:  Lonely In The World Related Quests:  Hieromancer's Armor
Glittering Crystalline Key
Value: 10
30 Burden Units

A clear crystal key. There is a symbol inscribed on its surface; an eight-pointed starburst shape overlaid on a swirling portal. In the heart of the starburst is a crashing wave. Within the folds of the portal swirl are four glass beads, red, blue, violet, and green.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded

You're not quite sure what this is for. It would appear to be another bit of crystal-based Empyrean technology.

This item cannot be sold.


You gingerly pour the putrid acid over the dagger. Centuries of encrusted filth are burned away, revealing a glittering crystal key!