Grilhud the Hermit

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Introduced:  Release Related Quests:  Altar of Bael'Zharon Quest
Grilhud the Hermit

Female Sho
Non-Player Killer

Strength 90
Endurance 85
Coordination 85
Quickness 75
Focus 160
Self 180
Health 133
Stamina 185
Mana 220

Location: 11.8N, 33.7E


  • Route: There are two nearby housing settlements you can use to get there.
    • Take the Forgotten Hills Settlement portal outside Cragstone and then run southwest to the Hermit at 11.8N, 33.7E. She is found in a bunker.
    • Take the Hermit Hill Settlement portal outside Eastham and then run southeast to the Hermit at 11.8N, 33.7E. She is found in a bunker.
  • She requests a Broken Sigil from the Dungeon Nye, which is found not far from her bunker to the south at 6.2N, 34.4E .
    • When given the Sigil she will open a portal to the Old Talisman dungeon in the Direlands. Inside that dungeon is an Altar of Bael'Zharon that you can use to become a Player Killer.
    • Note: These days it is probably simply easier to run to the Old Talisman dungeon rather than mess around with this quest.

Lore & Dialog

Grilhud the Hermit tells you, "Safety-weary traveler, seek you true danger from others like yourself?"
Grilhud the Hermit tells you, "Then I will give you a shortcut to that which you seek. This is my service to those who wish to be free of Asheron's bonds."
Grilhud the Hermit tells you, "Bring me the Broken Sigil from the dungeon to the south, and I will give you the shortcut you desire!"

You give Grilhud the Hermit Broken Sigil.
Grilhud the Hermit says, "Ah, yes, that's it, that's it!"
Grilhud the Hermit says, "Here, let me grant you the shortcut. May your journeys be blessed with danger, just as Loredane's was."