Guardian Statue

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There are two NPC type statues at 64.6S 44.1W in Graveyard guarding the entrance to Lord Mhoire's Tomb. In the Gaining Ground event the west statue was inactivated and the east statue was given double duty and now also grants access to the Mhoire Castle Courtyard after you give the three brands of defense. See Castle of Lord Mhoire Quest for details.

Dialog & Lore

Your Mhoire brand burns with blue flame.
The mouth of the gargoyle is closed, sealing the keyhole. Someone must currently be in the tomb.

Mhoire Castle

Introduced:  Gaining Ground Related Quests:  Guardian Statue Kill Task
Guardian Statue

Statue Level

Strength ??
Endurance ??
Coordination ??
Quickness ??
Focus ??
Self ??
Health 8000
Stamina ??
Mana ??

XP ??
Luminance 60
Loot Tier ??
Shattered Legendary Key  Mhoire Castle Treasury Key  Pyreal Mote 
Common Attacks Weaknessess
Bludgeon, Cold Bludgeon
Melee A Missile A Magic A Melee D Missile D Magic D


Humanoid & Gargoyle


  • There are currently two variants of the Guardian Statue, not a conventional creature, no visible stats, but give 500,000xp and leave a corpse with loot. The gargoyles cast magic.