Jester's Token

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Introduced:  Upping the Ante Related Quests:  Jester's Cards
Jester's Token
Value: 0
5 Burden Units

An amusing token with a Jester's Head on it.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded

Use this at the Gambling Casino's to get an opportunity to gamble one Card for another.


You give Monty the Munificent Jester's Token.
Monty the Munificent tells you, "Very well. You may gamble one card with the High-Stakes Gamesmaster over there."
Monty the Munificent tells you, "I don't know why I agreed to gamble these cards. That funny fellow was just so persuasive! I agreed before I even asked myself the most important question in gambling. What's my take?"
You give Aluvian High-Stakes Gamesmaster Three of Eyes.
The Gamesmaster takes your card and shuffles it into a large deck in front of her. She then fans the deck out in front of you.
Aluvian High-Stakes Gamesmaster tells you, "Pick a card. Pick any card you like. All selections are final."
You carefully slip one card out and turn it over to find...
Aluvian High-Stakes Gamesmaster gives you Six of Eyes.