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Introduced:  Evolution Related Quests:  Colosseum Bosses

Mosswart Level

Strength 450
Endurance 350
Coordination 350
Quickness 350
Focus 400
Self 400
Health 100000
Stamina 410
Mana 400

XP 50,000
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 5
10x Crowley's Champion Token 
Common Attacks Weaknessess
Slash, Pierce Pierce, Fire
Melee A Missile A Magic A Melee D Missile D Magic D


  • Located in Colosseum.
  • Speak to the Mosswart statue in the south hall to fight Killagurg (requires completing 7 rooms in the main Colosseum first to flag you for access).
  • Imperil him, then Pierce vuln, then use a Pierce weapon imbued with Critical Strike or Crushing Blow for best results.
  • Timer of 20 hours to pick up another token.