Kul Bronzegear

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Introduced:  Dreams of Torment Related Quests:  Purging the Corruption Updated:  Feelings of Dread
Kul Bronzegear

Gear Knight Level

Strength 290
Endurance 200
Coordination 290
Quickness 290
Focus 260
Self 200
Health 9296
Stamina 9396
Mana 396

XP ??
Luminance ??
Loot Tier ??
Legendary Key 
Commonly Wielded Items
Common Attacks Weaknessess
?? ??
Melee A Missile A Magic A Melee D Missile D Magic D


Kul Bronzegear says, "Purge the flawed. They must be exterminated."

Update History

Feelings of Dread - July 2013
  • During the Feelings of Dread event Kul Bronzegear's class was correctly changed from Human to Gear Kinght.