Lightning Elemental

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Acid Elemental Acid Fire Elemental Fire Frost Elemental Frost Lightning Elemental Lightning Elemental Elemental

Related topics: Creatures, Category:Lightning Elemental


"Mostly created by mages as the embodiment of the mana of the world, Elementals come in a variety of types representing one or many of the elements of nature. They are able to reproduce through unknown means but still inherit the will of their forgotten Empyrean masters and faithfully guard their territories. They rely mostly on magic, even protecting themselves against their chief weakness, to take down any trespasser."
--Town Network Painting


Name Lvl XP Melee Def Missile Def Magic Def Health Loot Trophies
Astyrrian 115 450 5
Charge 53 8000 219 125 2
Electricity 115 0
Hand of Artifice 161 6
Harnessed Scintilla 61 135 0
Scathisa 115 125,000 326 450 5
Scintilla 61 11500 135 2
Spark 18 55 1
Static 4 65 20 1
Synnast 115 125,000 450 5
Voltarc 70 14000 200 2

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There are currently 12 pages categorized as Lightning Elemental.


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