Category:Creature Type
Auto-generated list of Creature Type (class) entries. See the main page Creatures.
The subcategories are the auto-generated index pages for all entries in that particular creature class. Following the subcategories section are links to the class description/stats table pages. (If there's an entry for a monster that isn't yet shown in the table, please help by adding an entry for the creature and updating the table. - Creature Class Template & Creature Template)
There's a "Misc. Creature Class" category for unique creatures with their own class and creatures with the class "Unknown." There's also a "No Class" category for destructible items that do not list any class at all such as doors and walls.
This category has the following 43 subcategories, out of 43 total.
Pages in category "Creature Type"
The following 81 pages are in this category, out of 81 total.