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Related topics: Creatures, Category:Remoran


"These mysterious deep-sea dwellers are able to glide effortlessly through both air and water via unknown means. First seen following the appearance and defeat of an enormous Remoran known as the Leviathan, they are found exclusively on Vissidal and Dark Isle."
--Town Network Painting


Name Lvl XP Melee Def Missile Def Magic Def Health Loot Trophies
Bloodmouth Remoran 175 675000 4505 6
Dark Remoran 195 395000 12165 7 File:Corrupted Essence (Trophy) Icon.png
Fouled Remoran 185 365000 9160 7
Gold Remoran 185 2000000 11020 6
Horrid Remoran 195 270000 615 7
Mini Horrid Remoran 30 0 0 None
Mini Remoran Corsair 30 0 0 None
Mini Remoran Raker 30 0 131 0 None
Remoran Corsair 185 250000 610 7
Remoran Raker 175 675000 4505 6
Remoran Sand Stalker 165 360000 2500 6
Remoran Sea Raptor 185 865000 5510 6


Name Lvl XP Melee Def Missile Def Magic Def Health Loot Trophies
Leviathan 753 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0

There are -1 Remoran entries on this page.
There are currently 14 pages categorized as Remoran.


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