Linen Salvage

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Introduced:  Repercussions Related Quests:  Salvaging Updated:  Festivus, Master of Design
Linen Salvage (100)
Value: Variable
100 Burden Units
File:Linen Salvage Icon.png

A bolt of linen material salvaged from old items.

Workmanship: Variable

Salvaged from ?? items

Special Properties: Bonded

Apply this material to a treasure-generated item to reduce the item's burden by 25%.


  • Does not stack.
  • In Master of Design the name was changed from "Salvaged Type" to "Type Salvage" for technical reasons.
  • Uses Item Tinkering skill to apply.
  • Salvaged Linen got a use during the Repercussions event. Since the Festivus event, the burden decrease is 25% instead of 10%.