Marsh Siraluun Dress

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Introduced:  The Calm Related Quests:  Siraluun Dresses
Marsh Siraluun Dress
Value: 2,000
500 Burden Units

A formal gown woven from the plumes of a Marsh Siraluun.

Armor Level: 50
Covers Chest, Upper Arms, Lower Arms, Abdomen, Upper Legs, Lower Legs, Feet

Casts the following spells: Leadership Mastery Other II, Fealty Other II

Armor Level: 50
Slashing: Above Average (70)
Piercing: Above Average (70)
Bludgeoning: Average (50)
Fire: Average (50)
Cold: Average (50)
Acid: Average (50)
Electric: Excellent (80)
Nether: Average (50)

Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 25

Spellcraft: ?
Mana: 800
Mana Cost: 1 point per ? seconds.

Marsh Siraluun Dress


You give Aun Arenura the Crafter Embroidered Bag.
Aun Arenura the Crafter tells you, "You must have hunted long and hard to find these! This will be a dress to be worn with great pride."
Aun Arenrua weaves the feathers into a shimmering raiment.
Aun Arenura the Crafter tells you, "A beautiful garment. How I wish my father could see this!"
Aun Arenura the Crafter gives you Marsh Siraluun Dress.
You've earned 3,179 experience.

Palettes for Marsh Siraluun Dress
ACID Name Sample Main Hex Main Sample 2nd Hex 2nd
6582 MarshDress 05521C 025E25
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.