Mhoire Armory

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Dungeon Location 00EA
Coordinates: 64.8S 44.3W
Map Files: Wiki Map
Nearest Town: Wai Jhou
Nearest LS: 62.7S 51.5W
Route: In the middle of Graveyard a short run southeast of Wai Jhou.
Dungeon Restrictions
Level Restrictions: 160+
Portal Restrictions: Cannot Tie
Cannot Recall
Cannot Summon
Sent to Lifestone if Log
Quest Flag: Give Jester's Marbles to the Jester at 65.8S 43.8W in Graveyard (use Summoning Stone to make him appear).
Related Articles
Introduced In: Introductions
Related Quests: Jester's Lost Marbles, Spectral Weapons
Forge Golem

Map Dereth Point


To enter this dungeon you must hand Jester's Marbles to the Jester that spawns when you use the Summoning Stone at 65.8S 43.8W in Graveyard to be flagged to enter. The marbles are found at 65.1S 43.7W. (Get up on the cliff at 63.5S 44.5W.) While the Jester summons a portal to the dungeon when given the marbles, there is also a fixed location portal in the bunker at 64.8S 44.3W. The flag is permanent and when reentering the dungeon just use the bunker portal.

The dungeon is a no drop dungeon, meaning you will never drop items on death, not even Drop on Death items. You get sent to your lifestone if you log inside.


  • Wiki Map:





No Class




Items and Objects


  • Surface portal at very end, untiable/unrecallable, drops inside bunker at 64.8S 44.3W.


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